5 Common Mistakes Made by ICO Agencies

5 Common Mistakes Made by ICO Agencies

ICO has completely changed the scenario of fundraising and project development process. Now a day, ICO Marketing plays a huge role in the success of an ICO project. Crowdfunding now became highly competitive and no matter how unique the idea is, if you are not using bulletproof marketing strategies, you will fail miserably.

When it comes to ICO marketing, it is working on the ratio where some are very successful and others are struggling to attract the right investors and the exchanges to gain profit. Thus, the role of ICO Marketing team becomes very important to make a project successful in every aspect.

ICO Agencies

During ICO Marketing, a simple mistake can create a blunder. As an ICO Marketing Manager, it is important to avoid these mistakes which can be a reason for the failure of the entire project or creating a loss of funds and investment.

One of the most important things to consider before launching an ICO is to hire the right people which will run an ICO campaign in the way to target potential contributors. Following are some of the most common mistakes made by ICO Agencies during an ICO Campaign:

1.No Branding in ICO Community:

Before launching any of the ICO community, it is important to consider the branding of that particular community. Company logos, names, and vision should be very clear in front of the community. It will help to generate a clean rapport in front of potential investors or how your company is viewed by the community. Apart from this, your community should have updated pinned messages and 24×7 support from community managers. Your ICO Community acts as a bridge in between the potential investors and your community, so you should also consider hiring an ICO Community Management Company.

2.Dead or Inactive Communities:

During an ICO Crowdfunding campaign, everyone wants to grow and build relationships while participating in the community. Being an ICO community manager it is important to come up with the new engaging ideas, initiatives, and announcements to save your company to fall from the obscurity.

It has been noticed that ICO communities which are inactive often lose participants, members, and money. Always try to give a new and engaging experience to the community members as its very crucial to generate more interest of the investors and exchanges.

3.Targeting the Mass Market:

Different types of people exist in the ICO Community, and not every member meant to your business. So, targeting a mass audience does not make any significant impact on growing your investments. It’s important that communication should be geared towards potential investors to bring maximum investments on the table. Apart from this, your ICO Managers should use investment-oriented approaches to increase overall investments.

4.Ignoring Social Media Channels:

As an ICO community manager, it is very important to communicate and build a brand on all the leading social media channels. ICOs denying to post on social media and not having regular communications fail miserably. ICO Managers should use the power of social media channels to drive maximum investments to the project and build a great reputation. Most of the times your social media presence is directly proportional to the investments, so as you grow your social media audience, it will automatically increase your investments.

5.Ignoring Performance Metrics:

It is very important for an ICO Agency to track the performance of the campaign, one has to measure everything going on for building a successful campaign, you need to understand where you are lacking to improve the chances of successful ICO campaign. Always measure everything right from conception to execution of the project. Try to be an ICO Agency having measurable KPI’s.

Being an ICO Marketer always keep in mind that your dealing in the world of high tech innovators having high expectations from you. Try to check grammar, spelling mistakes and avoid complicated designs and incomplete white papers. Try to come up with the marketing effort which is planned carefully to achieve success.

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