6 Benefits of Car Claims

6 Benefits of Car Claims

Car claims or car insurance is considered must documentation when you become a car owner. These claims allow you the liberty to drive freely on the road. As per Motor Vehicle Act, Third Party insurance is obligatory and you must secure one whether you buy a new or a used vehicle. The insurance protects your vehicle against financial and legal charges towards any other party. On the contrary, a comprehensive insurance plan provides shelter to your vehicle besides any harm due to accident, theft, fire or flood, etc. taking your motor on road can be an untold risk and motor claims automation with Arnie can help you get a protected journey. Here are five key car claim benefits that insurance companies provide.

Liability Coverage

Auto liability coverage is a standpoint in many countries. The insurance covers the loss against any of the vehicle damage due to accidents. The owners of vehicles are entitled to get basic liability coverage as stated by law. These liabilities include two components;

Bodily injury liability may include the payments and costs related to one’s bodily injury or another person’s injuries if your motor is the cause of an accident.

Property damage liability pays for the damage your vehicle causes to another person’s property while driving.

Comprehensive Coverage

Comprehensive coverage claims include the restoration of car loss against any theft or sabotage. This coverage helps to pay for the damage and lets you repair your car effectively against the damage. This coverage has a deductible, which means that the amount you’ll pay for your side before your insurer compensates you for a covered claim. This coverage is often considered optional and many people do not consider it.

Medical Insurance

Car claims also include medical insurance in case of an accident, not only to the owner but to all the members who were in the car at that time. This insurance includes detailed facilities like payments of after visits, x-rays, surgeries, and other medical-related funding that is caused due to car damage.


In case of an accident or any other car damage, the car’s actual value decreases and its market price drops. The car insurance companies help you to retain the value of your car even after severe damage has occurred to it. Some strategies prolong the value and life of your vehicle. Natural disasters can’t be avoided like hail storms damaging your vehicle, but comprehensive insurance can lower the losses you experience and save your money in the long run.

Law Trials

Car insurance companies also prevent the law trials that otherwise occur in case of damage to oneself and especially if others have suffered due to your driving. The insurance safeguards you and helps you with claims that others make against you in accidents. It also covers legal costs.

Non-Claim Bonus

Some insurance corporations offer a no-claim bonus (NCB) in which eligible consumers can qualify for every claim-free year. The NCB might be offered as a discount on the premium, making car insurance more affordable.

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