Can’t Afford Your Medical Bill? Here’s What You Can Do

Can’t Afford Your Medical Bill? Here’s What You Can Do

A medical bill is the last thing that one needs after going through painful medical procedures. But medical bills are inevitable parts of human life. The major concern arises when the bills handed by the doctor or the billing department exceeds your expectation.

Well, if that is the case with you, then trust us, you aren’t the only one. It is estimated that the US’s treatment cost—be it a single illness, accident, or even pregnancy can cost in the five-digit figure. And even if you have an impressive insurance plan, you may still have a significant outstanding balance to payout.

Even though paying out the bills is a moral obligation for everyone, being ashamed of the mounting debt isn’t fair. We understand how stressful it can be for you.

So, today we will discuss with you a few options that you can use as a medical bill negotiator for the bills that you cannot afford.

1 Check for Accuracy in the Bill:

One of the reasons that make medical care so expensive is improper data management. Medical centers see thousands of people on a daily basis, meaning they prepare bills, certificates, medical files, and what not, multiple times a day.

And amid these working hours, the possibility of making mistakes is higher. Many times the billing department may add details of services and procedures that you might not have received. You might be charged for full service even if you get discharged in the morning. So, make sure that you cross-check the bill multiple times to stay assured that no mistakes are made in it.

2 Work On Interest-Free Payment Programs:

If there was no error in your medical bill, then you will require paying it at all costs. So, talk to the billing department about the payment plans they offer. There is a high chance that the hospital you are dealing with offers interest-free payment plans. You will need to recheck the payment plan documents because it might be written in the fine print.

You can even negotiate the total amount you would be able to pay every month. The hospital authorities will usually start the installment amount at the highest but don’t be afraid to talk to them about your problems.

3 Request For Discounts:

Many hospitals offer discounts that not many patients know about. So, always make a habit of asking things; you may never know what you may stumble upon. For instance, many hospitals offer prompt pay discounts, meaning if you pay the total amount at once, then you may be eligible for a 10% to 15% discount.

So, if you think that you are charged significantly more than expected, then ask the billing department for prompt discounts. If you know what other doctors are charging for similar procedures, then you can argue yourself a little extra discount too.

4 Opt For Financial Assistance:

Many people are bankrupt due to hovering medical bills. But, that doesn’t mean that these people dint try.

But luckily, many hospitals offer financial assistance to people who come from a low-income background, and each of these programs has different procedures and eligibility.

You can apply for Medicaid if you earn less than $15,856 and are under 26. Even if you get rejected with this, there will always be other options at the hospital; ask you will know.

You can go through this list of 35 medical assistance programs that can help you in covering your medical bills effectively.

5 Negotiate Your Bill:

Find out who is the healthcare provider’s medical billing manager, because only he/she has the ability to lower your bill. Make sure that you don’t wait until the bill falls in the collection because by then, your credit score will be damaged. Talk to the manager as soon as you receive the bill or when you find out that you aren’t able to afford it.

You can request hardship assistance if the medical bill is unpaid because of financial hardship. Many hospitals are even subjected to offer patients facing financial instability with reduced fee services.

6 Get outside Help:

Well, one of the best things to use as a medical bill negotiator is the experts. There are many medical billing advocates that can help you to either decipher or negotiate your medical bills.

One such firm is the ClaimMedic. They have a team of experienced medical billing advocates who take away the baffling billing stress off the patients.

Bottom Line

Unpaid medical bills are a problem, but that doesn’t mean that you should underestimate your capability of paying it. Financial hardships do not happen with prior warnings. But, you can find ways to deal with your ongoing financial stress. For starters, use the tips mentioned here. See which of these options fit properly with your needs and then proceed. Trust us, a bit of determination now, and then can bid bye to endless financial hardships.

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