Seven Ingredients To Add To Your Smoothie For Extra Health Benefits

Seven Ingredients To Add To Your Smoothie For Extra Health Benefits

Whether you love smoothie as a healthy breakfast option, nutritious post-workout drink, or a light, on-the-go snack – smoothies are a great way to pack a ton of essential vitamins and minerals with a touch of unique flavours. What’s more, you just need to throw a few ingredients into your blender and hit a button to enjoy a beneficial and yummy beverage.

Sure, adding different vegetables and a new fruit or two might help to bring a bit of variety, but there are loads of healthy add-ins for your smoothie that can take it to the next level. And not only are they healthy, but also delicious. Here are some suggestions on what ingredients you can choose to amp up the nutritional value and taste of your daily smoothies.

Maca Powder

Health Benefits

Maca root is an ancient plant that is recognised as a superfood for its ability to increase energy, reduce stress, improve hormonal balance, diminish menopausal symptoms, and even boost libido. The vitality that Maca offers is closely linked with positive mental energy. As a plus, Maca is not associated with any of the side effects that come from mainstream energy boosters. It has also been used in medicinal pastimes to help with poor memory function. On a well researched scientific note, it contains beneficial elements like iron, iodine, and potassium. These elements help to optimise oxygen transport around the body, streamline metabolic function, and improve digestion, respectively.



CBD oil is a natural substance that is obtained from Cannabis Sativa plants and proven to provide various health benefits. Cannabidiol, or CBD, is thought to interact with the cell-signalling endocannabinoid system involved in vital processes of the body such as sleep, memory, pain, stress, metabolism, concentration, and more. Since many people across the globe suffer from stress, taking CBD oil for anxiety can help to improve mood and soothe everyday worries as well as treat mental health problems, such as depression, personality and anxiety-related disorders.

Also, adding a few drops of CBD oil to your smoothie might be useful in relieving pain, promoting better sleep, boosting energy and focus, and even treating various skin conditions like acne, psoriasis, eczema, among other useful functions. If you have never tried CBD, make sure to buy CBD oil with the lowest concentration and increase dosage gradually until desired effects take place.



Turmeric is a herb which is native to India and Central America. It is a spice that is common in Indian cuisine. You can also purchase it as a spice or spice blend, such as curry powder. The spice has a vibrant yellow colour. The primary active ingredient in the turmeric is curcumin, which is the compound that gives this spice its distinct yellow colour. Curcumin has potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Furthermore, curcumin helps your body neutralise free radicals and boost your natural antioxidant enzymes, and they become more effective in neutralising free radicals.

As a strong anti-inflammatory compound, its effectiveness matches some anti-inflammatory drugs but without negative side effects. It can also suppress many molecules that cause inflammation and prevent several health conditions such as heart diseases, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease.



Oats are typically found in breakfast cereals and granola bars, so why not add them to your blending routine? Oats are not only heart-healthy, but they can help to lower cholesterol, boost digestion and keep blood sugar balanced. They are also loaded with vitamins, minerals, magnesium and protein, giving you well-balanced breakfast.

No need to cook them up — just dump rolled oats straight into your blender and mix together with the rest of your components for a thick smoothie that will keep you full and energy steady due to the fibre found in oats.



Cinnamon is a spice harvested from the branches of trees in the Cinnamomum family. As a spice, cinnamon is available as a whole or powder form, as pieces of bark. People can also use its essential oil and supplements. Several studies suggest that cinnamon has several health benefits because of its antimicrobial, anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. These properties provide protection against cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Furthermore, it is believed to have antifungal properties. Cinnamon can also reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s diseases and treat and heal chronic wounds.

Coconut Milk

Coconut Milk

We all know that you cannot milk a coconut. So what is coconut milk? First of all, it is not milk in the dairy, sense but it’s close to its amount of creaminess. Basically, coconut milk is just shredded coconut flesh that is mixed with water and strained to release a shock-white and rich liquid that can lend richness, flavour, and body to any wilted greens, curries, soup, and many more. Coconut milk is high in calories. Also, it is a good source of several minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients, such as manganese, copper, potassium, magnesium, iron, folate, vitamin C, fibre, carbs, proteins, and fats. Animal studies suggest that coconut milk could have antibacterial and antiviral properties, and can reduce stomach ulcer size and inflammation.

Flax & Chia Seeds

Flax & Chia Seeds

Ideal for adding into your daily smoothie as well as to help lower bad cholesterol in the blood and suppress hunger, ground flax seeds provide us with healthy omega-3 fats, antioxidants called lignans, protein and fibre. If you prefer your beverage to be smooth, consider purchasing a flax powder instead.

When it comes to chia seeds, they are a great source of omega-3 fats, fibre, protein, antioxidants, calcium and potassium. They supply a massive amount of health benefits without added calories. Chia seeds increase ten times their size, when placed in the liquid, so adding them to the shake will keep your belly full, your appetite suppressed and your silhouette slimmer.

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