Neurosurgery is that branch of medical science in which diagnosis, treatment, and medical procedure of nervous system are done. Neurology incorporates minimally invasive operations of the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nervous system, spinal column, and cranial cardiovascular system. To make it more straightforward neurology has to deal with the disorders of the nervous system. Patients who deal with neurosurgeons might face tough times due to their disease of the nervous system. A neurologist has to comprehend that patients are psychologically and physically.
Neurosurgery is a complex treatment and has to be handled carefully. In the human nervous system, the brain is the chief commander. The brain deals with the movements and impressions of the human body. The nerves convey the information from different parts of the body to the mind. They likewise exchange the orders of the brain to the muscles of the face, legs, arms and different areas of the body. Then again, it needs extraordinary alert since all operation dealing the brain or spinal cord can prompt to paralysis, brain damage, infection, psychosis and even demise.
Methods and techniques of the neurology and treatment are also called neuroradiology or neurosurgical methods.
Following are some important diagnostic methods of neurology:
- Computer Tomography (CT)
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
- Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
- Stereotactic Surgery (SS)
In neurology, there is a medical procedure(surgery) known as microsurgery. Many surgeries like laminectomy, artificial discs and microdiscectomy rely upon the procedure of microsurgery.
On the other hand, IC-EC surgery needs microvascular anastomosis. These techniques are best used in the form of minimally invasive spine surgeries.
Endoscopic techniques are used for helping the clearing of trigeminal neuralgia and hematomas. In some cases, cranioplasty is used as a viable neurology surgery. Stereotactic radiosurgery incorporates radiation.
Neurosurgeons and oncologists some of the time work together in the treatments for curing tumors and furthermore amid cases of AVM treatment. In these neurology methods, cyber knife and gamma knife are utilized in the procedures.
Treatment of aneurysms, AVMs, carotid stenosis and spinal malformations including different strokes involve the utilization of endovascular image that ends in neurology techniques and guiding procedures. Other than these, there are certain procedures in neurological surgery that utilize MRI scans to diagnose fatal and nervous diseases.
Nidhi Multispeciality Hospital in Ahmedabad for Neurosurgery
If you live abroad and have decided to get Neurosurgery in India then Nidhi Hospital in Ahmedabad can serve you as the best choice. Here you can easily gain access to the latest surgical technology and medical treatment amenities. Nidhi hospital strives to be a pioneer in the field of neurosurgery in Ahmedabad. It offers neurology procedures at an affordable cost without any compromise with the quality of the surgery. This hospital offers medical treatment with the most recent technology and surgical methods.
An exceptionally wide range for medicinal tourism to draw foreign patients towards India is neurosurgery with most modern techniques at a relative cost. Compared with India, it is 7-8 times costlier in western countries. Numerous patients around the world prefer Neurosurgery in Ahmedabad as they need to pay a huge number of dollars in their country yet are in waiting list. In India, neurosurgery is provided at a low cost when compared to countries, for example, the UK, US, Canada, and so forth.
Majority of the people think that neurosurgery is simply brain surgery. However, it isn’t right. It is really a branch managing brain, spine, peripheral nerves and the arteries of the neck. In other words, it is the medical procedure of the nervous system. It is the medical field that specializes in the analysis and treatment of disorders in the brain, spine (spinal cord, spinal column) and so on. These surgeries are performed by medical specialists who center around neurosurgery.