Erectile dysfunction is when you have insufficient erection power, or when you have an erection, you are unable to maintain satisfactory sexual activity.
If these symptoms persist for more than six months and are at least 50% in frequency, you should be tested for erectile dysfunction.
Various Causes of Erectile Dysfunction
Adult diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, or thyroid abnormalities may be the cause, psychological problems such as stress, lifestyle problems such as smoking and drinking, menopausal disorders that gradually decreases male hormones, nerve abnormalities, and abnormal blood flow may be a problem. There are many causes, and as you get older, they often work in combination.
The arteries become hard and the lumen narrows, causing a decrease in systemic blood flow. The same action can occur in the penile arteries, which can be the reason for erectile dysfunction. Atherosclerosis has been shown to be the most associated with erectile dysfunction among several known risk factors.
Neurological causes
Cerebrovascular diseases such as stroke and spinal cord injury can also cause erectile dysfunction. Naturally, these diseases cause problems with neurotransmission. Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and multiple myelosclerosis can also cause erectile dysfunction.
Psychological causes
Depression, guilt, worry, excessive stress, and anxiety are all important factors that lead to loss of libido and erectile dysfunction. If you experience one or two erectile dysfunctions, you may be concerned about sexual activity, you lose confidence in your sexual activity, you are afraid of sexual activity, and this is repeated over and over, leading to erectile dysfunction.
Pelvic Surgery and Injury
Damage to the pelvis and spinal cord injury can damage nerves and blood vessels that play an important role in erections, leading to erectile dysfunction. Naturally, rectal surgery, prostate surgery, bladder surgery, and colon surgery can all be a cause to buy now these products.
The sugar content in the blood remains high, which causes damage to small blood vessels and peripheral nerves. Eventually, these damages damage the peripheral nerves and blood vessels needed for an erection, leading to erectile dysfunction, and 60% of people with diabetes complain of erectile dysfunction. It causes peripheral nerve damage.
Peyronie’s disease
The white membrane that surrounds the corpus cavernous maintains a certain degree of elasticity in order to maintain an erection as the penis is stretched and contracted normally. The penis bends at the time. Therefore, it is a disorder that interferes with sexual activity or causes significant pain in erections.
Currently, about 200 of the commonly prescribed drugs are known to cause erectile dysfunction. These include blood pressure-lowering medications, heart medications, antidepressants, sedatives, and calming medications.
Cavernous blood flow abnormalities
During an erection, smooth muscles in the corpus cavernous relax, blood flow increases through the arteries, and veins are closed, maintaining rigidity.
In this process, lowered blood flow through the cavernous arteries or venous obstruction is the leading cause of erectile dysfunction check now.
Hormonal imbalance
Erectile dysfunction can be caused by hypogonadism, in which male hormones are congenital or acquired, or by menopausal disorders (acquired menopausal dysfunction), or by hypothyroidism.
Smoking is known to be another complex factor that can lead to risk factors.