Exam Preparation Tips for RBI ASSISTANT 2017-18

Exam Preparation Tips for RBI ASSISTANT 2017-18

RBI Assistant 2017- The exam is conducted by Reserve Bank of India to recruit candidates for the post of Assistant in various offices of the Bank. They are appointed on the basis of the performance at national level exam followed by an interview.

Online registration for RBI Assistant 2017 is open from 18th October 2017 and the preliminary exam is going to be held in the month of December 2017 and the main exam will be conducted in the month of January 2018.

According to the RBI Assistant 2017 exam notification there is hardly a month left for the preliminary exam which means that one should start giving final touch to the exam preparations.

It is very important to have a fair knowledge of the exam pattern and syllabus. The major changes introduced in the exam pattern helps the candidates to prepare in the right direction. There is a dire need to make a strong and effective study strategy to crack the exam. Let us discuss the latest exam pattern laid down by RBI for the exam to boost your exam preparation.

RBI Assistant 2017 will have two phases’ preliminary exam and mains

Phase-I: Preliminary Examination

Preliminary Examination consists of Objective Tests for 100 marks will be conducted online. This test would be of 1 hour duration consisting of 3 sections as follows:


Name of Tests

No. of Questions

Maximum Marks

1. English Language 30 30 Composite time of 1 Hour
2. Numerical Ability 35 35
3. Reasoning Ability 35 35
Total 100 100

Regular study plan: 

There is a limited time left therefore there is a need to make a regular study plan to devote maximum time to studies. Make a timetable to give routine and disciplined touch to your subjects. Once you will systematize your study plan the exam preparation will definitely reap fruits. Maintain a regular study plan to avoid stress at the end.

Proper Revision

After completing one topic, revise it thoroughly by practicing from the previous year question papers. Take a topic test to analyze your learning and understanding.

Evaluate and improve your weakness:

Always remember to evaluate your performance by doing extensive practice. It will help you to identify your strengths and weaknesses. Resume your studies accordingly and make your base strong well in advance.

Understand the Difficulty level of previous year question paper:

Practice previous year papers to understand the level of difficulty of questions asked. It will help you to practice those types of questions which are frequently asked rather than doing a hit and trial practice.

Practice online exam series:

Join computer based online test series from any reputed portal and practice daily. It will help you to be familiar with the computer-based tests. Once you will be familiar with the online pattern of doing the question paper it will be easy for you to handle the exam.

These preparation tips are truly an eye-opener for those who are preparing for RBI Assistant Exam 2017-18 shared from IBT Institute Delhi (Top Bank & SSC Coaching Institute). Practice according to the given tips to give you a comfortable journey in the examination hall.

All the best!!!

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