Every business cherishes the dream of going global and entering international markets across countries. Some actually pursue this dream with befitting plans and steps; others just succumb to the constraints of reality. But if you are into the app business, there are real chances of going global and turning your app into an international success story.
You can have a superb mobile app with a popular footprint in your own country, but that doesn’t guarantee the same level of success in another country. This is why entering a different country or market needs several strategic steps. The most common denominator is how your app really balances the local with global throughout the look and feel of the app. Your app must look enough Irish when targeting users of Ireland, and it must allow Canadian users to pay with Canadian dollars.
Whether you are into app development in Cork or Dublin, expanding your outreach to England and other nearby countries is quite normal. But when your app with Irish root is ambitious enough to target some Asian markets, you need a completely different approach.
Here we will explain some crucial ways an app can help a business enter the global market.
Allow multiple currencies for transactions.
In the first place, an international app should offer optimum ease in carrying out transactions by using local currencies. The app must incorporate multiple currencies, particularly ones from the target markets. If you are releasing your app in Europe, allowing customers to pay through Euro is the norm.
For incorporating multiple currencies for transactions, it is important to use the appropriate technologies, payment gateways, E-wallets and cross country fund transfer solutions. There are also several regionally popular payment methods that you need to take into account.
Multiple payment gateway and channels
An international app targeting several markets across the globe cannot just force users to pay through one particular payment method or e-wallet option. To ensure optimum flexibility and ease of choosing the right payment option, it should incorporate as many payment channels as possible for every global region or country.
For example, PayPal can be pretty popular in some parts of the world as a payment gateway. In other countries, Venmo can be more preferred by the users. In South-East Asia, PayTM can lead the pack of digital wallet solutions. On the other hand, in some countries where an e-commerce app has a solid grip, offering a “Cash on Delivery” (COD) payment method can be a great option to increase sales.
Country-specific market and audience analysis
Another major thing that most mobile app projects often forget is carrying out a country-specific analysis of the market and target audience. As we have already said, your app can be tremendously successful in Chile, but when entering the Hong Kong or Indian market, the same app will start its journey from zero. This is why starting your app journey based on a solid understanding of the target audience in a different market and the competitor apps operating in that region is necessary.
For the market analysis, first, pick up the leading competitor apps of your target market and start weighing each one of them separately against the market dynamics. How they are getting traction and what shortcomings these apps have, and how your app can offer a better value proposition for the respective audience get into all these considerations.
At the very next step, know your target audience in that region with demographic details, their so-called user habits, typical preferences, expectations and so on. To carry out successful audience analysis in a foreign market, you can either take the help of a reputed agency or do that on your own through social media surveys.
Adhere to international regulations and compliance standards
For an app to get into different markets worldwide, it is important to adhere to all the international regulations and compliance standards. For example, any app needs to operate in the European market to comply with GDPR requirements.
Since IT frauds and security threats are continuously rising, these compliance standards and regulations are looked upon by the users as protective measures to safeguard their data privacy and security. This is why it is important for an app to embrace the best security and privacy practices, even if there are no strict compliance guidelines for that target region.
Offer multilingual communication options.
The best way to give your app an international appearance and vibe is to allow multilingual communication addressing communication needs for different countries with particular language options. Obviously, an app appearing with a menu and content written in the French language can address its audience in France and the French diaspora more than an app with only an English language option.
As for releasing your app with a multilingual option, always allow the users to choose the language option in the very beginning. A drop-down menu depicting different language options is the right way to deal with this. Always show the language options with the country flag options to orient the users visually.
Offer culture-specific customisation options.
Last but not least, consideration for any app targeting the global market is incorporating cultural attributes of different target countries as per the chosen language option. When a customer chooses the Spanish language for communication, the communication should follow typical Spanish customs.
Another great way to incorporate culture-specific attributes in apps is to address local festivals, ceremonies and memorable events to boast a local vibe through the app communication and appearance. How can an app operating in Italy forget to greet the audience during Christmas? Yes, it can’t, and that’s how the global app business always aligns with local culture.
Mobile apps have awesome capabilities to help a business become truly global while not sharing away local vibes. Actually, being global means being local in different regions of the world. Starting from the entire mobile app development cost, and most importantly, the user interface appearance impact user experience to the content to in-app communication to app notifications to payment solutions, your app needs to sew together the deep-rooted local with upwardly global. That’s exactly the chemistry of success for apps having a presence in different parts of the world.