Some Mind-blowing Statistics About SMS Marketing Service

Some Mind-blowing Statistics About SMS Marketing Service

Living without a smartphone is an uphill task for more than 46% of the total Americans. Another crucial fact in this regard is that about 90% of the smartphone users read all the received messages in the first 30 minutes. Do you need more to understand the value of SMS marketing service in the marketing strategies?

If yes, try to stay with us in reading the following statistics about bulk SMS marketing and the value of the best bulk SMS provider in the company’s life.

While talking about the benefits of engaging SMS marketing service provider in the overall marketing strategy, here are some of them:


You can reach your potential customers immediately while using bulk SMS services. It confirms when you look at the statistics given at the start of this discussion. Therefore, SMS marketing is comparatively the best tool to engage customers.


Focusing on personalization is everything in this competitive world. A company can achieve it with ease and confidence by sending personalized messages to all its existing and potential customers.

Retail businesses can interact with their customers more effectively while using bulk SMS marketing Service. You can achieve this target by sending messages with the recipient’s name.


Monitoring the metrics is necessary when you are running a marketing campaign. Using the feature of delivery status provided by the best bulk SMS provider is the best source to monitor your SMS marketing campaign.

Moreover, spikes in engagement also tell you about the performance of your marketing campaign. You can also refine the content and approach after observing the results, achieved after the previous campaign (s). You can send promotional SMS free online as well to check the response of your customers.

Did you develop your interest in using a bulk SMS marketing  service? If no, the following statistics can astonish you. So have a look!

  • Pew Research confirms that the messages section is the most used smartphone app in the world.
  • According to Tech Jury, mobile users send about 23 billion messages in a day. It means that about 270,000 messages are sent in one second.
  • SHRM confirms that in this world of WhatsApp and other communication channels, 80% of the professionals prefer to use SMSs instead of other tools. Another important aspect in this regard is that about 70% of the employees use messages for internal communications.
  • While talking about another research of Pew Research Center, more than 96% of Americans use mobile phones. It means that all these people use messaging to communicate.
  • The same research confirms that 99% of Americans, having age between 18 and 29 years, own a cell phone. The same percentage is for 30 to 49-year-old people. More than 95% of the people between the age of 50 and 64 have a mobile phone. Can you ignore such a vast market to explore for selling your products or services?

Some people may think that young people prefer other communication channels over messages.

  • However, Open Market thinks differently, which claims that the most preferred channel to communicate is messaging while talking about the people who have age between 18 and 34 years. Open Market also claims that 83% of people of this age group read text messages in the first 90 seconds.
  • One crucial has been raised by It says that about 31% of the total recipients respond when they receive surveys, promotions, and discounts through messages. They make it possible within the first six minutes.
  • QZ confirms that the increase in mobile internet users is unbelievable. It says that the rise is 504% in the last seven years. Even with these figures, it claims that people prefer opening messages before opening any other application.

The Bottom Line

We think that we have provided sufficient information to motivate businesses to use bulk SMS marketing campaigns. Therefore, if you want to connect with such a large audience, you need to engage the best bulk SMS provider to launch an SMS marketing campaign and generate more revenue. see more

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