Education is invaluable, and many military personnel decides to earn a degree while they’re in the armed forces. Going to school and working full-time in the military can be a challenge, but the pay-off is worth it. With a degree, you will have greater access to promotions and career opportunities both within the military and other industries.
But should you study online or take classes on-campus? Making the right choice for you can be tricky if you’ve never even attended college before. The good news is that earning a degree now is more accessible than ever before, and being in the military will also help you pay for the costs of your education.
Advantages of Online Classes
On-campus education can cost more and typically has less flexibility than an online school. Taking courses through an online university will allow you to tailor your education around your life, not the other way around, which is often a vital component for military personnel who have demanding job responsibilities and even families.
If you decide to study online, you’ll be able to focus on courses when you’re free. There are no mandatory lectures or classes to attend, and you won’t have to worry about not getting along with a professor or being marked as absent if you show up late.
The only dates that really matter in online colleges are deadlines for assignments. Each university has its own terms and semesters, and they may differ from what students at a physical campus adhere to.
People in the military can benefit from online classes due to the flexibility and control that they receive over their education.
Advantages of On-campus Studying
Should you decide to attend classes on a physical campus, you’ll be able to get a taste of civilian life. Being in the military is a rewarding career, but it can be isolating if you spend all of your time either on a base or at home. Getting to meet people from all walks of life can be an incredible experience, and many people won’t have the chance to do this so extensively after college.
Campuses also give you a designated place to study and focus on your education. For those who are easily distracted, the structure of a classroom can do wonders. You’ll also have additional resources such as tutors and a library. There are also many different events for on-campus students that can help you make friends and form new connections.
Which One is Right for You?
As military personnel, your job comes first. That means you have to evaluate your own schedule and understand how your education will affect it. You may opt to take online classes through a local university that require you to go on-campus for exams. You’ll also be able to attend events and go on-campus to study, which can essentially give you the best of both worlds.
the military can benefit from online classes, but they can also do well when working directly with their peers and professors on campus. Understanding your learning style, identifying your goals and talking to someone at several different schools will help you design your education path and make the best choice for your future.