It was trend in our childhood to watch TV and at that time we were spending a lot of time in watch TV. But presently, the scenario is changed entirely. Most children prefer mobile more than television. Despite playing outdoor games, children love to play games on laptops, tablets and so on.
It was broadcasted by the BBC that a perspective will be reached in the viewing habits among 5 to 16 years old age group in the U.K till the end of 2016. According to child wise, who publish annual media observing report and have been understanding children’s viewing habits since the mid 1990’s. The 2016 report findings have been mentioned as a “turning point” with children swapped from conventional TV to spending time online with an average 3 hours spend online in a day in regard with 2 hours watching TV, increasing this ratio to 4.8 hours online in a 15-16 years age.
This another survey stats that 60% of children of 5 to 16 years old watch TV by the medium of mobile, tablet or laptop. Moreover, 38% children watch TV on their demand.
And among 15 to 16 years old age group less than 25% watch TV as per broadcasted. In spite of, they would like to watch either on demand or through YouTube or any other way of internet. That is the reason these guys do not have any favorite channel or TV program. It is researched that Netflix came out at first as the favorite TV channel (50%); ITV (47%) and BBC (46%) stay behind. Still many children switched to mobiles phones instead of TV.
A very common way by which children access internet is through a mobile phone. And this is because parents take consideration and put some restrictions while children using mobile phone and Mobile Apps. Obviously, Mobile apps are very useful in students’ study still it have some side effects.

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