Doorstep loans are supportive in a financial turmoil and due to some reason do not want to leave home to get funds. Getting money at your door is the most convenient way. However, as the doorstep funding is known for a little high interest rate, you cannot just go and borrow funds. It is necessary for you to decide to pay heed to certain factors beforehand that can help you choose a suitable deal. After the direct lending has come in the trend, the things have become easier. However still, some caution is necessary to have.
Speed in loan procedures is important
The process is more or less same in every lending company. Apply online, get approval decision online and if approved the loan agent comes home to give funds. But are all these steps speedy or take too much time? Is the lender notorious for lingered procedures? You need to consider this before you apply and take the loan.
Is customisation available?
Due to little high rates, you need to make sure that the loan deal does not become a burden on your repay capacity. For that it is required that the lender implement customisation on every loan deal. This helps calm down the interest rates and loan instalments become small. Although most of the deals on doorstep loans in Ireland are customised, few lenders apply generalised rate quotes in every case. Better, to confirm it in advance.
Should be compatible to the people on benefits
If you are living on any type of government benefit, this feature is necessary to have in the lending company you choose. Different lenders have different policies on this aspect, some may not be flexible enough to accept ‘on benefits’ applicants. Even if they accept such fund seekers, what are their policies? Are they charging too much because of your financial circumstances? If that is so, you should switch to some other option. Make sure that the lender should not take undue benefit of your personal circumstances.
How is the obligation policy?
Normally there is no obligation of collateral or guarantor as the doorstep loans are of short-term nature. However, sometimes due to weaker financial situation of the applicant, the lender demands a guarantee or asset in rare cases. This however happens through mutual understanding between the lender and the borrower.
Before you apply, take care of this fact. Are you also intended to back your loan application from any obligation? Then make sure that the policy of the lending company on this matter is according to your needs. Providing guarantor helps you get the funds on lower rates which is perhaps a better idea than taking funds on high rates.
There should be no constraint on purpose
This is very important. Stringent strategies on this aspect may keep you from getting funds smoothly. The lending company should be liberal on this part. Ask from the concerned company before taking the final decision. However, you will not face many problems, as there are many choices available out there.
Besides the above, you need to know this
After knowing all the important things that you should notice, better to pay heed to one more point. You will check many things about the loan deal and the lender but you should need to know what you do not know. To be precise, to check all the above things in a lending company, you need to have good knowledge on your part.
- Doorstep loans have different names and you should know them
You may miss a good loan deal on doorstep loans just because you are not aware that there are other names for these loans. You may take it as some other type of loan.
- Door-to-door loans
- Home collection loans
- Home credit loans
- Door loan service
- Doorstep cash loans
- Instant cash door-to-door
- Cash on the doorstep
- Loans at home
- Home delivered cash loans
Can you see how versatile is doorstep funding in its names. You should know all about these terms as besides the traditional and common name of doorstep loans, lenders use these names in advertisements. At that time ignorance on this aspect may make you lose a good loan deal.
There is so much to take care of when you borrow funds at your doorstep. Read a list of such factors that help you to detect what is suitable and what is useless.