The word kundalini is derived from the Sanskrit verb root “Kunda” means pit where we put fire. This fire is covered with the ashes around it, that’s why it is not possible for it to burn the impurities of a human being. When with the Yogic practices, this fire is uncovered then all the old impressions that are stored with their imprints from thousands of years will get burnt and a person becomes completely pure which in yogic terms called as to say “awakening”. Normally this energy looks like a coiled serpent that is dormant or sleeping. By the certain kriya or sadhana practices, this energy could be awakened that practice we call Kundalini Yoga.
kundalini yoga consist of certain specific exercises with mantras, bandhas, mudras and kriyas. All of them are practiced in the certain discipline and there are some code and conduct which needs to be followed by the practitioners.
This kundalini when it awake there are some problems also arises because in our subtle body at 3 places, there exists knots and kundalini hit on them and a person gets some discomfort. They are Brahama granthi, Vishnu granthi and Rudra granthi. That’s why it is advised to practice kundalini yoga with some experienced teachers otherwise some pain may occurs. Kundalini move upwards through Susumna Nadi which is the most powerful nadi of our body. This nadi cannot be seen with the human eyes. It is a part of our subtle body. This is a great science and every human being should learn this. When human being awaken the kundalini Shakti he or she can enjoy life and become happy for ever with the attainment of the state of Bliss.
How kundalini moves?
By the certiain practices when kundalini awaken a practioner feel a kind of heat in the root centre and that too, many practitioner experiences differently. When someone establishes stillness and calmness with his/her practices he could be able to succeed while hold the state of awakening, otherwise it may bring a feeling of discomfort. Some people experience also a severe headace. In the beginning stage, one feels like the arousal of sexual energy and when kundalini reach second chakra then body flows like the water. Always water move downward and it is not easy to hold the energy for the normal people. In the swadhisthan chakra we hold our samskaras and all desires of pleasures.
Sexual energy is the part of kundalini energy. It shows that there is something which exist inside. By the practice of kundalini tantra the energy is controlled and directed in upward direction. To cross the first knot Brahma granthi is very difficult and it needs big discipline in life. Physical, mental, and emotional purification is needed to practice brahmacharya and that is the base of kundalini yoga.
In the west as and when kundalini tantra went there people accepted the sex part and they understand tantra is sacred sexuality like westerns think yoga means physical postures and Ayurveda means massage. But it is not like that. As Kundalini Shakti is the science of tremendous human potentials. We can improve and reach our optimum level.
When kundalini reaches at manipura chakra i.e. third chakra, one feels full of light, power, and freedom. The body is filled with strength and all the diseases cease. Then when kundalini arrives to the heart center, the whole heart fills with love and kindness. This is the most intimate part of kundalini yoga. Human being cannot experience that much love in the normal life what kundalini yoga make you feel in the heart center. You can feel you are a ball of love. Then entering visudhi chakra one feel divine peace and calmness. Automatically by the awakening, you experience the voidness as you feel that you do not exist physically but only your spiritual presence. Entering Ajna chakra a practitioner can know past, present, and future and as third eye opens and one become realized the Prajna the wisdom. In the end when kundalini reaches sahasrara chakra which is called Kailash, the abode of shiva. Both Shiva and Shakti meets together and divine play starts. A yogi experiences the union and all questions of life is answered. This experience cannot be spoken about how can one speak about the sweet how it tastes.
Come and learn kundalini yoga and find the real taste of life. Kundalini yoga ashram is dedicated to making you realize and introduce the best of you. Rishikesh has been a place of kundalini yoga for thousands of years and there are many enlightened masters already experienced it. Yogi Vishnu is one of them in the present time. His presence and techniques can lead you to another direction.