Andhra Pradesh chief minister Mr. Reddy has ordered the demolishing of an 8 crore building built by Chandra Babu Naidu he touted as illegal. The building was a conference hall used by Mr. Chandrababu Naidu to meet greet and address the people, he has named it Praja vedike. This has not been the first time that a political minister has been in the limelight due to illegal construction. In response to which TPD chief said that it was a foolish decision to demolish a govt aided and funded building.
The incidence occurred in response to the request to retain the building and use it as his office to which current chief minister denied and ordered the action calling the building illegal. Praja vedika was built just next to Chandrababu Naidu’s residence when he was chief minister. The demolition began late in the evening which came as a shock to preceding chief minister who was in Europe for holiday and returned today. current politics news.
In response to this Chandrababu Naidu has expressed his anger and said that many buildings in Andhra Pradesh are there which are built in an unauthorized way and still standing that why he was so prompt to take the action on this, he further questioned is the chief minister planning to put down his father and former Andhra Pradesh chief minister YS Rajasekhara Reddy.statue too.
Demolition took place after the court rejected a plea which requested for the stay on the demolishing activities stating that this will be a waster of public money.
Mr. Naidu was out from the C.M candidature when in April his party got defeated and congress registered the win of 22 out of 25 seats, crowing reddy as the chief minister.
In his meeting with Mr. Narendra Modi prime minister, Mr. Reddy has expressed issue regarding the special category status to Andhra Pradesh to which prime minister has taken account. This was the same demand on bais of which Mr. Naidu took the decision to broke away from the National Democratic Alliance earlier. Latest politics news.