If you’ve lost your car keys, there’s no need to worry. You can easily have a new key made by going to a locksmith. Better still, if you call on Locksmith Near Me Tampa Bay, the Locksmith will come to you in Tampa or Brandon. We explain how car key duplication happens in the event of a loss.
Myths about car key duplication
First, we will flush out the preconceived ideas that are very numerous about car key reproduction.
How do you duplicate a car key?
Duplicating a car key doesn’t have to be expensive or complicated. Indeed, cars are now equipped with transponder keys, which contain electronic chips. Duplicating a car key is, therefore, not just a mechanical step. This operation combines skills in mechanics and locksmithing (reproducing a key) and in electronics. Therefore, the automotive Locksmith is a competent professional in shaping the key ann programming it using computer software.
The auto locksmith is more expensive than the dealership
On the other hand, it should be noted that the automotive Locksmith is much cheaper than the dealership. This is because the latter must profit from the sale of the car key. And very often, it is not he who carries out the duplication of the car key. He sends a request to make a new key to an automobile locksmith appointed by the manufacturer.
Which, in the end, will be very expensive for you because everyone will take their commission on the car key duplication. In addition, the breakdown costs between the place where your car is parked and the dealer’s address will be entirely your responsibility. We, therefore, recommend that you call a locksmith. The absolute reference remains Locksmith Tampa if you are in Florida (Tampa, Brandon, largo, clearwater, Wesely chapel).
Car key duplication damages the car
On the other hand, it should be noted that duplicating car keys do not damage your car. Electronic components are safe and well protected. As for the bodywork, the Locksmith does not touch it at all. It simply reproduces the imprint of your lost key from the measurements it takes with its instruments. It is a very meticulous professional who intervenes in your vehicle. So much so that car key duplication will be a painless operation.
Automotive Locksmith checks your papers
Also, the auto locksmith checks your papers. It does not work on a presumption of loss of key. He is required to verify your identity and make his assessment of the situation. If he is wrong, he can be accused of having falsified a document, of being an accomplice in the theft of a car. He incurs the end of the exercise of his professional activity, a fine, damages, and interest, as well as a prison sentence.
How is the duplication of a car key?
There are three distinct types of keys, and the method for making a duplicate key varies by key type.
The classic key: for old cars
It’s a manual key, not an electric key. It is most often used on older cars. The primary key opens and closes the doors and starts the car. You can call a locksmith specializing in car keys when you need a spare key. Even if it is a reproduction in the event of the total loss of the car key, a locksmith will be able to manufacture this key on the spot, thanks to the lock of your car. We recommend Locksmith Near Me Tampa Bay, which is the absolute reference in this area, near Tampa and surrounding areas.
The key fitted with a first-generation transponder: for semi-recent cars
This key opens and closes the vehicle remotely via an electronic link between the key and the ignition switch. To obtain a duplicate, an expert automotive locksmith or dealer will be able to meet your expectations. However, we recommend you call on an automotive locksmith because they will help you out in much shorter delays and at much lower prices than a car dealership.
First, the car locksmith Tampa comes to your vehicle to intervene. At the same time, a dealer will ask you to have your car towed to his garage at your expense. Please note that your insurance cannot cover these costs.
Finally, the dealer often manages only part of the car key duplication operations. Quite often, there is a chain outsourcing process. And in the end, you pay the bill. For this reason, an automotive locksmith is the best professional to handle your car key repair.
The “new generation” key: for the latest cars
It is a very sophisticated key with a “crypto transponder” code. This code changes automatically each time the car is started. Some automotive locksmiths can provide a duplicate, but it depends on the vehicle model.
You must ask yourself the same questions for the keys equipped with a first-generation electronic transponder for this car. As a general rule, Locksmith Tampa fl always helps you out in just two hours after arriving on site. It’s fast and efficient, even for the most complex keys.
Does the insurance cover the reproduction of car keys in the event of a loss?
You may think that the same rules apply for duplicating a car key to repair damage to your vehicle. But, unfortunately, you are wrong! Your insurance company does not cover your keys’ total or partial loss. Neither your auto insurance nor your liability insurance.
In reality, only an actor whom we do not necessarily think can financially support the reproduction of car keys in the event of a loss. This is your means of payment insurance, better known as bank insurance. To help you in your efforts, we have set up a small tool to know what amount your bank insurance can cover. All you have to do is answer a few questions directly online, on our website, anonymously. We do not collect your data, and you are completely free to use the Locksmith near me Tampa bay.
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