Safety Tips For Travelling in Summers

Safety Tips For Travelling in Summers

Summers can be tough, especially in countries like India, Thailand, Indonesia, The Maldives, Africa, and Middle Eastern Countries owing to their position close to the Equator. However, the summers are just as fun since there is no stress of putting on layers or carrying heavy backpacks loaded with winter wear. People are more active during summer and love to explore rather than stay cooped up in layers by the fireplace. With some preparation and being summer-ready, travellers can actually have some of the best holidays while touring one of these countries. 

Here, we will throw light on various tips you can look into and the various activities you can partake in during a summer holiday at a summer destination like India. 

For Your Backpack

Pack your bags with summer-appropriate clothing. If you are on a health and yoga tour, then go with breathable clothing such as dri-fit or linen yoga pants and cotton t-shirts. Avoid packing pieces of denim as denim can be a bit too heavy for Indian or Balinese or Thai summer. Pack enough hand towels in a soft fabric to keep them handy during sweaty situations. Make sure you pack a few bandanas and stoles, masks to safeguard your face against the dry winds of the place of travel. This is particularly important if you are traveling toward the Middle East. Straw hats work well in tropical destinations like Thailand and Indonesia. Pack a couple of flip-flops and easy walking shoes as well. 

For Your Skin

Pack a good quality, preferably dermatologist-prescribed Sunblock with a high SPF to protect your skin against harmful UV rays of the Sun, which are even more prominent at these destinations. Keep wiping the face and other exposed parts of the body with wet tissues every 4-6 hours to stay fresh and keep the skin hydrated. Reapply a fresh coat of sunscreen after using the wipes. Drink plenty of water and you can carry your own water bottle as well. 

For Your Internal System

Water is the best thing for keeping the body’s internal system healthy and replenished. Drinking tap water is not recommended for most of these places. Fill your water bottle with mineral water and stay hydrated. Alternatively, you can also consume fresh coconut water to maintain the body’s hydration level. Did you know that drinking 1 glass of coconut water gives you the benefits of drinking 5 glasses of water? Something to think about! You can find coconut water at almost every other corner of these summer destinations. 

For Your Palette

Most of us love food and when we are on a vacation, trying out different types of foods is just a fun thing to do. It is good to explore any food if you have an iron-like digestive system. However, if you are not used to exploring spicy food then summer is just not the time to start consuming spices. Go with freshly prepared mildly spiced foods accompanied by buttermilk or a cold beverage to balance the system. Try fresh vegetables instead of consuming meat as meat triggers more heat in the body than a plate of Kale salad. 

For Your Body & Mind

Restore the body and mind which can get worked up under the impact of summer heat. For that, you can try exploring rejuvenating workouts such as yoga and try out Vedic therapies such as the Ayurveda diet and spa. Yoga and Ayurveda sciences are excellent ways to restore the equilibrium of the mind and body and make space for fresh experiences and positive experiences. Reset your body and mind with a yoga certificate course in India at places like Rishikesh, Kerala, and Goa, the beautiful yogic destinations ideal for a sincere yet inspiring 200 hours yoga teacher training in India. If you do not have enough time on your hands, then you can sign up for a yoga retreat specific to your need and comfort. 

For Your Overall Comfort

Pick a resting place as in book your stays after carefully checking into the amenities of the place, even if it is a camping site. Choose glamping expeditions for comfort and convenience. As for the resort or hotel, book a place that is fully equipped with air conditioning. Avoid traveling outdoors in the heat straight from a heavily air-conditioned ambiance as the sudden difference in temperature might trigger a headache or trigger a cold infection. 

For Any Emergency

Heatstroke, dehydration, upset stomach, and diarrhea are common summer heat-related issues that can affect any traveler on the go. Here are some tips that can help:

  • The first thing you can do is exercise precaution. Avoid stepping outdoors between 12 pm – 3 pm when the Sun is at its peak. 
  • Keep your water bottle along with fresh and safe drinking water. Keep a few Vitamin C tablets or fruit like an orange in your bag at all times for instant energy. 
  • Put emergency contacts on the speed dial of the destination or region of travel. These contacts should include the medical hotline, the contact line of your place of stay, and the local police. 
  • Carry self-medication with you for common issues like an upset stomach, nausea, and headache. 
  • Above all, if you feel anxious or too worked up, take a few deep breaths. Let your prana (the breath) channelise the energy flow and distribute it evenly through your body. Find a quiet space, close your eyes, and put your palm on your belly and the other palm on your chest. Breathe in and breathe out. Repeat this till you are able to find your center and feel relaxed again. 

Another way to calm your nerves triggered under the summer heat is by placing a damp towel on your forehead and holding two damp towels in your palms. Lie on your back on a cold floor, and let your arms rest by the side slightly away from the body as if in a completely rested position. Feel the coolness of the damp towel ease your palms and forehead and eventually relax your entire body and mind. Remember to keep taking slow, deep breaths. 

Merry traveling!


Author Bio:

Name : Yoga Vidya School

Yoga Vidya School is one of the best yoga teacher training school in Rishikesh India , provides help and steering by giving the self-discipline and spiritual tools that helps you to grow and go deeper into your inner self. It is a place to immerse in serious authentic yoga practice led by best yoga teachers of India, in an energetic environment created for transformation through Yogic Movements, Mudras, Meditations, Philosophy and Spiritual Lifestyle. 

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