How Video Marketing Can Help to Skyrocket Your Sales

How Video Marketing Can Help to Skyrocket Your Sales

The marketing landscape has changed a lot in the last decade. We have seen digital marketing challenging traditional marketing. If not entirely replacing it, digital marketing surely has disturbed the other methods of marketing. It is expected to continue to grow in the future.

An increased number of businesses are moving to the online market. It has led to the creation of many opportunities. There is an increase in demand for online marketing services. According to a report, there are 4.47 billion people connected to the internet. This number represents a huge target audience for digital marketers and businesses. If properly utilized, digital marketing can bring wonders to your sales growth.

Of all the methods of digital marketing, video marketing is getting popular among people. When you start a digital marketing campaign, you want your story to reach more people. Second, you want to create sales from your audience. Video marketing takes care of both these things.

What makes it more effective is that it is able to attract people. With interesting content, a marketing video can reach thousands of people in no time. You have the chance to make the most out of these thousands. Now, video marketing has become the go-to option for most businesses.

How do you define video marketing? In simple words, any video that promotes a thing is a marketing video. The process as a whole is called video marketing. What type of videos can be used for marketing? Well, a marketing video can be about anything as long as it promotes something.

Over time, people have become smart. They easily figure out if a video is marketing something or if it is sponsored so marketers have also adapted to people’s thinking and now they focus more on marketing the product indirectly by focusing on value for customers. These videos can be animations, reviews, discussions, reviews, tryouts, educational or entertainment related.

So, let’s talk about how video marketing can help to skyrocket your sales

  • User Interaction


The purpose of digital marketing is to create sales leads. Sales leads require a lot of effort. You have to convince the customer to check your marketing content. Video marketing offers the best rate of user interaction. By offering video content that is appealing to your viewers.

According to Brightcove, 53% of customers engage with a brand after viewing a video. Social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat are also promoting video content. Thousands of businesses have their official pages on Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube.

Social media users spend most of their browsing through videos of the business pages. These videos drive excellent viewership on all the social media sites. SmallBiz Trends reveals that videos on social media are shared 12 times more than texts or images. If you want to reach a large audience, video marketing is the way to go.

  • SERP Ranking

Have you ever noticed that videos are placed at top of search engine results? The reason behind it is the same. Videos are very popular among people. It is a great way to tell a story to a person using a video. Google understands that videos have the most effect on people’s minds.

That’s why it places videos on top of searched results. Websites with video content are more chances of generating a sales lead. Let’s suppose a user puts in carpet cleaners London on google search. Your website will show up on top of search results. If it contains video content with an optimized keyword.

Make sure you use all the right keywords in your content. For this purpose, do not forget to check the Google keyword planner. It tells you about the most searched keyword in your industry.  So, this is another way how video marketing can help to increase your sales

  • Increase in Conversions


Research tells us that video marketing is preferred by  71% of digital marketers. This tells us that video marketing has a higher conversion rate than the rest. Think about it for a second. You want to buy a product from Amazon. You would always check its reviews on YouTube.

You would certainly watch unboxing to see whether that product fulfills your requirements. What business you are running, video marketing offers a better chance of sales conversion. Your marketing video is ranked in organic searches when a relevant keyword is searched. A report suggests videos can lead to as much as a 150% increase in organic traffic.

Having video content in your offering can help drive organic traffic to your website. The time people spend on your website can also help in driving advertisement income. Young people often look on the internet to solve their day-to-day problems.

Some people want to know how to install a particular software. Others might be looking to repair their existing system.  Educational videos or how-to videos are one of the ways you can skyrocket your sales.

  • Attracts Mobile Users

Out of 4.47 billion people connected to the internet, 4.07 billion people are online on their mobiles. People carry their smartphones all the time. It is estimated that the average mobile phone usage is 5 hours a day. People spend most of their time watching videos on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.

You can target this huge audience by creating interesting videos for them. Your videos should be easily viewable on all mobile devices. As compared to texts or images, videos get a lot more view on all the social media sites. So, if you have not started video marketing yet, you should do it now.

Summing Up

The marketing landscape keeps changing with time. Keeping the same marketing strategy would not work in the long run. Using only pictures and texts to marketing your business is not going to work now. This strategy was okay a few years ago when internet quality was not good.

Now everyone has access to 3G and 4G networks. Video streaming has become really improved since then. Now with the 5G network, things will change even further. The era of 5G technology will present new challenges to businesses and marketers alike. Businesses around the world will spend more on digital marketing.

According to an estimate, 2020 will see 95% of organizations increasing their digital marketing spend. The online space is becoming highly competitive. You will have to bring innovative ideas to the table to grow in this market. Tools like video marketing will play a decisive role in who gets the major share of the online market.

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