The Best SARMs PCT for You in 2020

The Best SARMs PCT for You in 2020

One of the most commonly asked questions we get — do you need PCT for SARMs and what are the top SARMs PCT products to utilize?

First and foremost, SARMs PCT protocol is a highly debated and subjective thing based on the individual so we can’t counsel you about which you should/shouldn’t do however we can give you some advice. Generally, someone cannot be certain which choice is ideal for them unless they get bloodwork done pre and post cycle. For that, we recommend that you must have to consult a doctor before taking and buy SARMs. Each individual is different and the numerous factors that will affect your requirements include:

  • Your starting point/baseline
  • Any Prior supplement/cycle background
  • Your predisposition/genetics
  • Your age
  • Which chemical (s) you are using
  • The dosage(s)
  • The length of your cycle
  • The way your body reacts to the chemical (s)


In general, there are two options to look at when considering your SARMs PCT protocol. These guidelines are NOT directions — it is down to you as the individual to make a judgment call (or get bloodwork done) so as to choose the best and most effective course of action:

  • A mild over-the-counter PCT stack that includes an aromatase inhibitor (Arimistane) for example Regen-T or Arim-RX, combined with a high-quality all-natural most powerful testosterone booster, for example, Black Ox. This is almost always the best choice after an Ostarine cycle. For many individuals, this is also a suitable option for other mid-size SARMs such as LGD-4033, LGD-3303, S-4), and/or shorter cycles around 8 weeks.
  • A Complete PCT including a SERM, such as Nolvadex and/or Clomid. Make sure to do thorough research on PCT protocols until you consider researching SARMs. This option is often recommended for potent compounds (such as RAD-140, YK-11, and S-23), innovative stacks, and longer cycles of 12 weeks.

There is also added benefit of including Cardarine along with a low dose of Ostarine to your chosen SARMs PCT protocol, which we enter detail further below.


SERMs (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators) – not to be confused with SARMs — help control the effects of estrogen and ultimately helps you to avoid gyno (gynecomastia), keep the muscle mass you have gained through your cycle and also to boost your testosterone levels. The pharmaceutical grade SERMs are effective but in some cases, you may use an over-the-counter supplement if your bicycle includes a very mild compound that is not too suppressive. The stronger the compound (or the stronger your cycle) the greater your SERM needs to be.

The two most common and effective SERMs are:

  • Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate) is a pharmaceutical drug that Clomid is often used for heavy bicycles or people piling several chemicals. This is because Clomid is the strongest PCT chemical but that also carries the best side effects. Most consumers prefer to stick to Nolvadex because of their SARMs PCT unless they have no other option.
  • Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate) is a pharmaceutical medication used after most steroid cycles to help the user recover. It is a mild yet powerful compound that is it is frequently preferred over Clomid.

Some users may use a reduced dose of Clomid and Nolvadex in their PCT protocol rather than pick one, or the other. This averts the possible psychological side effects users may experience using a high dosage of one SERM. To further enhance healing, it is recommended to incorporate a fantastic natural testosterone booster, a liver/organ detox supplement, an aromatase inhibitor, Ostarine, and Cardarine.

Quick research on SERMs and you’ll find many posts related to the usage of the Clomid and Nolvadex, these can be mixed or used solo.

Preparation is key. One thing we can recommend is always having both choices available if you discover that you will need to run a complete PCT, even in the event that you haven’t anticipated this possibility.


You can also make a decision on the Indicators of testosterone Suppression if you experience any of these:

  • Low energy
  • Low libido
  • Feelings of sadness
  • Loss of strength and motivation
  • Chronically poor performance in the gym

Evaluate how you are feeling after completing the cycle and this should provide you an idea of the degree of testosterone booster. This also applies after you finish your SARMs PCT to assess the indicators of a successful post cycle therapy. Always make sure to take sufficient time off between cycles to ensure adequate retrieval; listen to a body and if unsure, take more time off.


Although some supplements and SARMs don’t convert to estrogen, you will still get the odd one or two men who experience estrogen-related side effects throughout their cycle. In these instances, a mild over-the-counter SARMs PCT supplement with an aromatase inhibitor is ideal. Mild suppression of testosterone may throw your estrogen levels from balance and therefore can cause unwanted effects in those who are more prone.

For many prohormones and SARMs PCT, your best solution is Regen-T or Arim-RX.


At this transition point, your body will immediately start to produce testosterone. It’s here you must be careful not to let excess cortisol from chewing up your hard-earned muscle.

To counter these effects, avoid catabolism and reduce the amount of muscle building, a sensible solution would be to introduce a non-suppressive anabolic; and this is the maximum opportunity for this SARM to actually shine. A minimal dose at 10mg of Ostarine (MK-2866) helps to preserve your muscle gain and improve your nitrogen and IGF levels. This may also help you continue smashing your workouts and even enhance muscle pumps.


Once you’ve dealt with your cortisol levels, you’ll find that the extra testosterone binds together with it, rendering it inactive. To prevent fat gain yet keeping up your calories requires a PPAR modulator like Cardarine (GW-50156). This will regulate the rate at which you burn off fat. It does so in several ways but it boosts glycogen retention in muscle tissue. This enables the body to alter its metabolism and increase the quantity of fat burned rather than using protein or carbs as fuel.

This is an authentic win/win and means that your body retains muscles and nevertheless, fat retention is reduced. This, then, will provide you more endurance and may have the extra bonus of reducing cravings.

Purchase SARMs for sale from the trusted and reputed seller of SARMs. Find the latest SARMs supplements at the SARMs Pharm.

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