Communication remains at the bottom of all learning, the traditional argument favor and against technology upgraded and whether or not technology can enhance education, become more complex when implemented to learners with autism and complex communication needs. A lot of articles have been written regarding the future of mobile technologies in helping the young generation on the autistic disorder. This possibility can most promptly be seen in the area of communication and particularly Augmentative and Alternative communication (AAC). Mobile tools in addition to applications like proloquo2go by AssistiveWare, My first AAC by injini and Alexicom AAC have brought AAC into conventional, advancing a world of opportunity for those where indicative communication was limited. The abundant potential of mobile technologies for individuals with complicated communication needs has not been still completely realized, in spite of, these technologies are now applied effectively as limited speech artificial fake limbs in a bounded range of activities. Generally, AAC applications are used as a basic requirement and choice tools.
We require extending the area of where and how we apply these devices, not only in the classrooms but also as beneficial scope. The one and only way is to practice, practice and practice. In consideration for young children to be successful in the access of tablets as communication helps, we as ‘communication partners’ also require to create and practice using the device alongside beginning learners. Illustrating and practice needs to do both at home and school regarding effective results.
When first time the iPad was used as a communication device, it was observed the probability to lead pupils with expressive language complications. At an initial level, we could promptly find out basic wants and requirements, using the device in a same way to Picture Exchange Communication (PEC). Large numbers of pupils were adequate with PECs so competently, no need to make excess progress. We required driving from labeling and basic demands. We have done same mistakes as prior time in 2011; we aimed so much on the learning of topic words used in lessons to the drawback of social language and the teaching of focus words. Although, the English language has minimum 2, 50,000 words, approximately 200 words, consider for 80% of every language, educating the students these core words on their devices, bring up new opportunities which before looked impossible.
Even, mind well, it is not sufficient to use the app alone, but it is essential to drive up to improved communication outcomes. An appreciative environment is crucial to motivate the app; the symbol system that a specific app uses should be integrated into the wider environment that the student can come into connection. This allows AAC users to derive symbol or word identification apart from device use, a general problem for student with autism. An alliance with parents is also vital assuring a rational approach to core word explaining outside of school. Many parents are cautious to use devices as prospective communication helps with their children in the hope that language may naturally develop after a while. A main worry is about the child may become over dependent on devices to communicate; still studies indicate that the use of AAC, both high-tech and low-tech can force to start a speech. Those students who may never speak because of language formulation disabilities, the app can be their voice. The use of synthesized instead of digitized speech has become better over the last few years, allowing AAC apps to be more logically sound and personal to the individual pupil.
most students use related instead of continuous thinking, strong visual processing skills lets the child to join the symbols with words, helping them to make a sense of the world around them, improve language competence and capable access to areas of the curriculum that they earlier could not. If your child is also non-verbal in the classroom, AAC school applications can be the most effective tool. Definitely, advancement of language competence for AAC users will not affect overnight, it takes for both the child and their communication partner. Be patience and you will get the benefits in near future.