In the current era, we see no existence of offline world. The incorporation of internet in every field became very frequent and essential around the late nineties. So, currently we adults don’t know much about the online world in comparison to that the children know. Presently, children are the ‘digital natives’ since they are having digital footprint from the time they entered this world which is technically revolutionized.
The majority of children show evidence of greater technical expertise than their parents, which can make the parents feel demoralized at times. It has been researched that around 56% parents ask their kids for advice regarding technology and just 50% parents feel equipped to educate their kids concerning e-safety at home.
Hence this is predictable that parents lack knowledge and understanding of the risks their children are taking on the web.
You Must Know Your Children’s Online Activities!
How often do you have a discussion with your children regarding their online activities so that you can be competent to determine your daughter or son’s online behaviors and attitudes?
This is not simply the case of just having a single family computer situated in the living room. The explosion of digital gadgets onto the marketplace implies it is more complicated for us to monitor or watch out what our children get up to. Since the year 2011, the utmost device sales have been for around 3-4 year olds.
At the moment, every parent need to be showing and taking an interest in their young kid’s online activities on a daily basis so that we come to know what they actually like, the reason why they like it and what they gain from it. By having conversation regarding it, they will finely realise that we are seriously interested and they are more likely to approach us for help or further assistance when anything goes wrong. Similarly we will also be capable to identify when they are taking immense online risks and don’t realise it.
This is why I advise to have a digital talk daily with your children. The ORATARO provides a number of educational apps that you can introduce with your children to make them interested in your conversation. Make them move towards such beneficial educational apps that will teach them a lot of things that they should actually know in the view of the fact that educational apps are being viral in the current era.