Few people dispute that higher education leads to more opportunities. If you have a college degree from an accredited university, then you have a much higher earning potential than if you have a high school diploma alone.
That is true during the pandemic just as much as before it. However, since Covid-19 struck, things have changed.
The University of North Carolina just had to shut down many of its on-campus classes due to a Covid-19 outbreak. Dozens of students that tested positive face quarantine.
What might you do if you wish to pursue higher education during this strange and challenging year? Here are some suggestions.
Look into Online Learning Platforms
One of the smartest things to do is look into the different higher education online learning platforms that exist today. There are several of them, including:
There are many others, as well. Creatives often like Skillshare, while academics prefer Coursera. You’ll have to look at the different options to see which features and classes appeal to you most.
One thing to keep in mind is that while these platforms allow you to access many different courses, it does not always follow that you get official college credit for them. You’ll have to look into that.
It can be great to take a website creation course if you want to construct your own business website, but if you’re working toward your eventual BA or BS, that won’t be your best option. Those are two separate pursuits.
You Can Take Particular University Online Classes
Let’s say that you got into a university last year when you were a high school senior. Now, you would be starting at that college, as many of the freshmen are at the University of North Carolina.
However, now you must contend with the coronavirus. You did not expect it, and it has seemingly ruined your college plans.
Many colleges are working on some online solutions so you can take the same classes you would have been starting, but you don’t have to be there in-person. This will make things safer for you, your classmates, and your professors as well.
These university classes you can take are usually part of that college’s dedicated platform. As a student there, you can access it. All you require is a laptop, desktop, or tablet.
Some Hidden Pandemic Benefits
You’re probably upset about the pandemic. Maybe you wanted to start college in-person this fall. You planned on making friends, meeting new people, and perhaps even attending a few parties.
You’re out of luck on those parties for the time being, but there are some unexpected pandemic benefits that you should acknowledge. If you can’t go to class and live on campus, then maybe you can stay at home and continue living with your parents as you take your online courses.
You might feel less than thrilled about that, and your parents may feel the same way. If you think about it, though, it’s not the worst thing in the world.
You may miss out on parties and making new friends for now, but you can save the money that it would have cost you to live in the dorms or an off-campus apartment.
If your parents demand that you pay to keep living with them, you can take a part-time job. Just try and make sure that it’s one where you can telecommute, so you’re not in any danger.
What the Future Holds
Most experts feel confident that:
A country will develop a working vaccine within the foreseeable future
We might eventually build herd immunity, making the coronavirus less of a threat
The timetable might be slower than you would like if you were excited and ready to begin your college career. If you can be a tiny bit patient, though, things will probably return to normal in a year or two.
When you’re young, you’re often impatient. Remember, though, that this is an unprecedented event, and you have to make the best of it.
That probably means taking some online classes if you want to continue pursuing your higher education in 2020 and beyond. It’s not ideal, but if you can start to rack up those college credits, you can still progress toward your degree even during this difficult time.
This need not be a significant setback. As long as you stay firmly on task and do the work, you’ll get those class credits. One day very soon, things should return to normal again.