What is the best technique to remember crucial information at a conference, seminar, and lecture or while reading any study materials? Whether copy and paste in word document? Or record audio on your Android phone and listen later? Or take copious notes on your laptop and get every last word strictly? I think the best way is to put notes on paper. If you or your children want to learn something, take notes by hand with pen or pencil on paper. Use sheet if you are feeling artisanal.
If you have written by hand on the paper, helps to remember better than on a tablet or laptop. As per one research, when students took notes on a laptop mainly in every detail of lecture notes, they did not learn as much as when they had to exercise and rethink concepts, in their own words, put them down on paper.
It is fact that teaching students take notes by writing them down, in their own disputes, when reading or listening is the best way. Definitely, it is tedious, but the effort beings helpful.
In early age, there were no laptops or font colors or sizes and even internet was confusing.
Today, many schools and businesses promote the implementation of tablets and laptops. Well, tout away those things, because some things never changed such as- the human brain
This is not an unreachable example of old-school techniques being good for children in school today. Actually, students can better understand by reading a book in spite of from a screen.
Surely, writing on paper is being outdated today still research suggests that handwriting and education development relates closely.
The ORATARO school app store has many apps which integrate a number of learning styles and are developing in teaching the user while offering tolerable feedback.