It is not adequate to have an Educational Mobile App, yet it is quite essential that an app should be user-friendly as well as easy for operating. 70% of teachers and parents use school mobile to communicate with each-other. There are lots of aspects an app can have still following simple must obtain,
- Bidirectional messaging system – Only teachers send messages to the parents is not mere abundant. A good mobile app must have a bidirectional message system because of that parent also stays in touch with the teachers when required. It is an essential element to make sure that apparent flow of communication and in the speedy way
- Assigning homework – As homework is very important for school students and that is why this feature must have in good mobile apps. Sometimes students fail to copy down their homework or take down partial/erroneous notes, in that case school mobile app help and send homework to their parents. So that parents easily up to date with their child’s homework and assignments there are to be submitted in school.
- Allocating videos and images – An educational mobile app which has an aspect of sharing videos and images with one another is very appreciable for the parents. With the help of this feature, the parent can use to indicate video taught in the classroom and understand method of teaching in the school. Furthermore, sharing images can give relief to the parents by making copies from other students’ notes in a case of a child’s absence in the school having any genuine reason.
- Resource of attachment – In any mobile app, this is a small feature but being very momentous. When there is a need to send long notices or pamphlets, you can simply attach and send to large of students by this app. additionally, it abolishes the need of paper circulars that can be lost or destroyed as well as eco-friendly too.
- Details regarding events – Students keenly eager to know various events of school, colleges or university. This is a significant app which provides the feature of a school calendar where important dates and events are indicated in advance and divulges the parents as and when they happen.
Why you should prefer ORATARO?
The ORATARO is a reputed cloud-based technology offers you the best relevant information about school mobile apps. It also helps to interact among parents and teachers in regard to students’ education.