In this busy and mobile addicted age, number of smart phones users increases day by day. However, smart phones have provided lots of facilities and made our life easy and convenient. Smart phones have made communication easier by the ways of voice, text and video calling. So, there would nothing to be shocked that schools in Australia are undertaking these tools to improve communication with parents.
Now those days are past for parents to searching newsletters from their child’s bags or find the venue for a school event, or sports day date and many more things.
Now-a-days all of this information can be stored in our school apps and received messages sent immediately to parents. Our ORATARO team is seeing a quickly boosting trend for schools proceed in this direction for school-parent communication.
Yet the communication is not one way. Schools that hold their own mobile apps are able to simplify their administrative process significantly by receiving absent notes and permission notes from parents, firmly.
Even ORATARO has included the option of making online payment systems into their apps, by the demand of several schools which reduce their administration costs.
Many people consider school apps means SMS messaging but actually it is not so limited. Apps is a software, which especially organized for each school. In this process, ORATARO provides various platforms and are fitted for both iPhones and android phones.
We assist many schools to save their thousands of dollars every year for those who acquire school apps rather than manually process notes from parents.
An increasing trend incited by standards.
There are many schools have responded tremendously for this progressive approach. Those who have been applying these apps for several months are our biggest proponents. And we return to their standards.
Recently we have 50+ schools using our free demo and this figure increases day by day.
How ORATARO provides a helpful platform?
The ORATARO apps create school mobile app to escalate communication with parents. By addressing latest information easily accessible to parents, the days of lost notes and misinformation are gone. Our school mobile app is customizable to particular schools’ requirements and provides a flexible and prompt way for schools to communicate with parents.
There apps also facilitates of pop-up messages and quick notification to remind parents of forthcoming events or changes. Moreover, they allow parents to enter the school newsletters, whether by the school gate or in their child’s after school activity.
The ORATARO app is easily installed by parents on their smart phones, in a comfortable using way.