In some cases, the factors affecting your car premiums make a lot of sense. For instance, if you live in an area with more crimes, or you have an expensive car, you pay higher premiums. But there are many other factors that contribute towards your premium rates which might sound really weird. For instance, your insurance company knows that surgeons had the most accidents while building society clerks had the fewest last year. Virgos were worst for accidents but Pisceans had more convictions. Insurance companies will decide your premium based on your age, job, sex, where you park, postcode, and many other such factors. If you want to save money while getting the right insurance policy, read on to know some secrets to help you get the best car insurance quote online.
1. Use the Appropriate Job Title
It may seem like a small detail, but it can save you hundreds of dollars in the long run. For instance, if you mention chef as your job title, you’ll pay more than those who mention kitchen staff. Other examples include music teachers paying more than teachers, office managers paying more than office administrators and construction workers paying more than builders, who also pay more than bricklayers. Before requesting a free online quote, make sure to pick the right job title. Also, if you are a full-time parent or retired, make sure to select that box rather than unemployed as it can save you some dollars.
2. Add an Experienced Driver to Your Policy
If there is someone in your household who will be operating your vehicle more than another, this person needs to be declared a the primary driver. Premiums are determined based on many factors such as experience, if they have had any claims, how often they will be driving, distance and how they will be using the vehicle.
3. Keep Time On Your Side
Work with your insurance broker prior to renewal to find the best rates. Research has found that those who renew before time can save up to $200 compared to those who renew their policies last minute. Also, many customers believe that their insurance company will offer the best rate as they are loyal customers. However, comparing and switching your policy can also help you save money.
4. Pay Up Front
Rather than splitting your payments over the course of the year, consider paying the amount one-time to get cheaper policy quotes. A lot of insurance companies charge interest on payments when you spread them over a long period.
5. Boost your Excess & Cut your Extras
When you’re looking for an insurance policy, make sure you cut the extras that you might not need. For instance, do you require a windscreen or a breakdown coverage? Would you need a courtesy car or insurance for theft from your car? Consider your exact needs and remove the extras, especially if they are already dcovered by your other insurance plans. Excess is the amount you need to pay from your pocket when making a claim and a lower excess translates into higher premiums. Work out the maximum amount you can pay so that you can reduce your premiums.
All the small items and tasks do add up and working with your broker can see up the process and save time and money. Beneficial Insurance offers online quotes submission for your convenience.
Beneficial Insurance Solutions is a Leading insurance broker In Canada, that provides the guidance about how to find Online Car Insurance Quotes and Best Home Insurance Calgary.