We all love the winter season. It brings many winter vacations, festivals, joy, and happiness. We get to eat good food, as some things are available only during winter. But with these things comes the dry and patchy skin. Winter also brings with it the dry winds, which damages our face skin and take away all our glow.
So, how to take care of your skin during winters? Simple, we need to follow some routine tasks, use some good face masks, and you will have your younger looking beautiful skin back.
What causes Dry Skin
To understand how to take care of the dry skin, we first need to know the reasons why the skin becomes dry. Some of the common reasons for the dry skin are-
- Overuse of soap and hot water
- Exposure to harmful UV rays
- Any kind of skin disease
- Not drinking enough water
- Aging
- Not using the right products
Things to do for Dry Skin
Now, let us understand how we can take care of the dry skin.
1. No Hot Water:- Using hot water for washing our face or for bathing dries out the skin. It takes away the natural oil from the face. Always use lukewarm water to wash the face. Lukewarm water is good for the skin and also does not take away the natural oil from the face. Also try to minimize your shower time to 10 minutes.
2. Use Winter Cream:- You indeed require different cream for different weather. In summers, it is good to have a cream, which protects our skin from UV rays. During winter season, we also need to hydrate and best moisturizer for dry skin. So, always use the moisturizer best for winter season.
3. Minimize Soap Usage:- Soap contains ingredients that tend to dry our skin. It is best not to use soap on face at all. Instead, of soap you can use mild cleanser, which will hydrate your skin and make it soft and smooth.
4.Always Moisturize the Skin:- Moisturization is the best way to nourish and hydrate your skin. After cleansing and washing your face, always follow it up with moisturization. Avoiding it may cause breakout of the skin. Apply the moisturizer; when your skin is damp this helps in proper absorption of the moisturizer.
5. Water.Water.Water:- This is one of the reasons for the dryness of the skin. Drinking a lot of water and keeping yourself hydrated helps to flush out the toxins from the body, hence making it clean and clear.
6. Winter Face Masks:- One can never escape from DIY face masks. They are inexpensive, handy, and really effective in improving your skin. They go deep into the tissues and moisturize and hydrate the skin. Some of the great Winter Face Masks are-
Take 1 tbsp of Sandalwood powder and Rosewater
¼ teaspoon of coconut oil
Mix them and apply it on the face
Leave it for 15-20 minutes and wash it off with lukewarm water.
Take one egg yolk and mix it with 1 tbsp of honey
Apply the mixture on the face and leave it for 15 minutes
Wash it off with lukewarm water
Take ½ ripe banana
1 tbsp honey and few drops of olive oil
Mix them and make a paste
Apply it on the face and leave it for 15 minutes
Wash it off with lukewarm water.
7. Change in Diet:- When moisturizer, cleanser, and exfoliation are important in winter, then why not the diet. Yes, what you eat has a direct impact on your health and skin. So, for winter, switch to the diet, which will moisturize your skin. Such as-
- Sweet Potato- They are rich in Vitamin A, which helps in skin repair.
- Avocado- They are filled with Vitamin E and monosaturated fats, which keep our dry skin moist and prevents it from aging.
- Cucumber- A rich source of water, cucumber helps in fulfilling the water deficiency in the body.
- Coconut oil- Yeah, little strange but very effective. Coconut oil is a great source of antioxidants, and you can either use it in cooking or can also consume it directly.
- Salmon- Fatty fish like trout, tuna, and salmon which are a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acid helps in reducing the inflammation caused by UV radiation.
8. Never Say No to Sunscreen:- Never think that Sunscreen is needed only in summer. It is proven that Sun’s UV rays are more harmful in winter than in summer. So, always apply sunscreen before you step out of your home.
9. Exfoliation:- Exfoliation is the best way to remove the dead skin and cells hence clearing out the skin. Never rub your skin while exfoliating, always massage it gently and then wash it off with lukewarm water. Make sure you use a good exfoliator, which not only cleans your skin but also hydrates and nourishes it.
10. Change your Cleanser:- If you are using a cleanser from summer weather, it is time to upgrade it. Make sure your cleanser does not rip off the natural oil from your skin and makes it clean, fresh, and soft.
11. Say No To Touching:-Many people have the habit of touching their face a lot, this leads to the breakout and dryness in the skin as germs of our hand gets transferred to the face. So, try and avoid touching your face full day.
So, these are some of the ways you can take care of your skin during winter.