Kidneys are bean-shaped organs that perform multiple functions. The main function of kidneys is the filtration of the blood and removing waste from urine. These are also involved in hormones production, maintaining fluid balance and balancing minerals. There are many causes of kidney disease. The most known are uncontrolled diabetes and high blood pressure. Others causes of kidney disease are heart disease, hepatitis C virus, alcoholism, and HIV infection.
Fluid can build up in the body and waste can accumulate in the blood in case of damaged kidneys. When damaged, these become unable to function properly. To improve kidney functionality and prevent them from further damage limiting certain foods in your diet can help.
Diet and Kidney Disease
To avoid kidney disease selection of food is very important. There are different dietary restrictions for the people who are in the early stages of chronic kidney disease than those with end-stage renal disease, or kidney failure. For the people who are at the end stage and require dialysis also have dietary restrictions. Extra water and waste are removed from the blood in dialysis. Majority of people at the end stage needs the diet that prevents the accumulation of certain chemicals or nutrients in the blood. In kidney disease, kidneys are unable to remove excess potassium, sodium, and phosphorus. As a result, they are at higher risk for the accumulation of these minerals in kidneys. Here are the 7 foods that you should avoid to take if you have kidney disease.
1.Cold Drinks
Dark-colored colas especially contain additives that have phosphorus and also contain calories and sugar. To enhance the flavor, prevent discoloration and for prolong shelf life, many food companies add phosphorus. They add phosphorus during the processing of food and beverages. This phosphorus is much more absorbable in the human body than animals. The phosphorus present in the form of additives is not bound to protein. It is found in the form of salt and highly absorbable by the intestinal tract. If someone has kidney disease, they should avoid colas.
2.Canned Foods
Because of low cost and convenience, people purchase canned food, such as soups, beans, and vegetables. To increase shelf life in fast food salt is used as a preservative. Canned foods contain high amounts of sodium. It is also recommended that people with kidney disease should not eat canned food because of sodium.
3.Processed foods
Processed food has long been related to chronic diseases. It is considered an unhealthy diet due to their content of preservatives. Salted, cured, dried, and canned meats are known as processed meat. Hot dogs, bacon, jerky and pepperoni and sausage are the examples of the processed meat. It typically contains a high amount of the salts to improve the taste and preserve the flavor. If processed meats are abundant in your diet, it is difficult for you to keep your daily sodium intake less than 2000 mg. It also contains a high amount of proteins so it is difficult to monitor protein intake as well.
4.Cured or Pickled foods
In cured or pickled foods, processed olives and relish are included. In pickling or cured food, a large amount of the salt are added. Around 300mg of sodium is present in the one spear of the pickle. Likewise, around 244 mg of sodium is present in one tablespoon of the sweet pickle. Many grocery stores reduced the sodium varieties of olives pickles and relish. However, even listed reduced-salt pickles can still be high in sodium.
Potatoes and sweet potatoes are rich in potassium. One medium size of potato (156g) contains 610 mg of potassium. Average size potato (114g) contains 541 g of potassium. To reduce potassium contents from high potassium vegetables, including potatoes and sweet potatoes, you can soak these prior usage. Cutting potatoes into pieces and boiling for at least 10 minutes reduces their 50% of potassium content. Potatoes that are soaked in a large pot for four hours before cooking also have lower potassium level. This process is known as potassium leaching. The double cooking method reduced the potatoes potassium content but does not completely eliminated the potassium.
Tomatoes are also high potassium vegetables, which is not good for kidney patients. It is used as raw, stewed and often used in the sauce. Just one cup of the sauce contains around 900 mg of the potassium. It is also used in many dishes. Kidney patients should avoid to eat tomatoes and find the alternative for tomatoes.
7.Leafy green vegetables
Beet greens, spinach, and swiss chards are leafy green vegetables that contain a high amount of various nutrients and minerals. They also have a high level of potassium. Per cup, it contains 140-290 mg of the potassium. After cooking the size of the leaf shrinks but the amount of the potassium remains the same. A cup of spinach when cooked shrinks to a size of 1 tablespoon. So eating one cup of cooked spinach gives you a huge amount of potassium.
Eating too much fries, snacks, and foods like pretzels and chips are not good for the kidney because it contains a high amount of salt. This high amount of salt damages the kidneys. Crackers, chips, and pretzels are consumed easily in large portions and tend to contain a high amount of salt. If chips are made up from the potatoes they also contain a significant amount of potassium. Kidneys are a very important organ of the body. If you have Kidney disease reduction of the potassium, phosphorus and sodium intake are an important aspect of handling kidney disease. Avoid eating more than the allowed amount of sodium, phosphorus, and potassium.
Dietary restrictions and nutrient intake recommendations depend on the severity of the kidney damage. Following a renal diet can seem to be daunting and a bit restrictive at times. However, working with health care providers and renal dietitian helps in the treatment of kidney disease and improvement in the quality of life as well. The diagnosis and treatment of kidneys disease on time is necessary. To find and consult the best urologist, you can visit on to Marham-find a doctor for appointment.
Akraam Ullah has done masters in psychology. Forensic psychology as area of specialization. He worked with Federal ombudsman as a researcher and data analyst. He worked with Federal ombudsman on a project of child sexual abuse title as “Mapping of Issues & Response to Sexual Violence against Children”. He did is final year project on convict’s title as “impulsivity and risk perception in convicts”. Other than writing, he has keen interest in data analysis on SPSS and Amos. Currently, he is working with Marham-find a doctor as a content writer. He writes on health issues with special focus on its psychological side.
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