Kidney stone is a prevalent problem in India. These stones are strong deposit of minerals and acid salts that stick in the concerted urine. They become stones of different size and shape. When pass through urine tract they give fatal pain in the side of abdomen. Their size can be grown from 5mm to 100mm. People who eat excessive calcium and protein can suffer from stone problem .Moreover, in last few years people are also coming with bigger stone problems they are called staghorn stone. These stones are much bigger in shape and they are only removed by surgical operations.
Fortunately, removal of these kidney stones is possible as per their size. Surgical and laparoscopic are two operational methods used to eradicate stones from the kidney. For big stones like staghorn stones only surgical operation is viable. For tiny little stones laparoscopic operation is best due to its ease. Small stones are sucked out by a pipe but extraction of large stones requires more time and patience. Besides, stones badly affect your urine process. Ignition and blood and is common in urine. So it is necessary to consult urologist at right time.
Kapoor’s Kidney & Urostone Centre is a Super Speciality Hospitals for Kidney and Urology. Located in the capital city Chandigarh this medical center provides high standard financially approachable treatment for all types of urinary and kidney stone prolem. Dr. (Col) V K Kapoor Ex Prof. (Urology), AFMC, Pune. He has 52 years of experience as a General. A very senior and surgeon and urologist he is the owner of the hospital.
Furthermore, the KUC has high tech equipment’s and a team of accomplished doctors. Therefore, do not delay your diagnose we are ready to serve you .