5 Tools You Should Have When Spending a Night in Wilderness

5 Tools You Should Have When Spending a Night in Wilderness

Spending a night in the wilderness is a great way to test your limits and gain some valuable new experiences. However, it is important to mention that you’ll need tools and other gear that will make the whole experience smooth, and above all, safe and convenient. So if you’re thinking about trying something new and spending a night out in the open, then here are some of the most important tools that you’ll need to bring with you.

First-aid kit

Survival can be harsh and this is why a first-aid kit is so important. Accidents tend to happen when we least expect them, which is why it’s essential to have bandages, band-aids, medicines and other important medications. Whether you experience a cut or splint, you should have the basic medical equipment to temporarily mend the issue until you get to the nearest hospital. Therefore, if you’re planning a trip to the wilderness, then don’t forget to bring a well-stocked first-aid kit bag.

Maps and a compass

Some people are naturally skilled in orientation, while for others that can be challenging to a degree. Regardless, a compass and maps are crucial if you’re going to spend the night in the middle of nowhere. If you haven’t had a Boy/Girl Scout experience as a kid, then it’s even more important to make sure that you won’t get lost. Aside from physical maps and a compass, feel free to invest in a good GPS device, and also make sure that it is always charged and up and running.

A knife and other sharp objects

Being out in nature means that there will always need to cut or chop something. For example, there might be a branch blocking your way, or you’ll need to cut the rope. Whatever the case, make sure to always have an automatic otf knife with you. That will make you feel safer especially if it is your first time camping in the wilderness. When choosing a knife, make sure to get one that is lightweight, foldable, and with a sharp edge. A knife (and other accompanying sharp objects of your choice) are crucial equipment when experiencing wilderness.


Foldable tent and a sleeping bag

There’s something magical about spending the night under the night sky. However, weather can be unpredictable, so it is essential to bring a foldable tent, and of course, a sleeping bag. You never know when the rain’s going to surprise you. A tent is the ultimate shelter any camper needs when camping in the wilderness. The same goes for the sleeping bag. Sure you can sleep on the ground, but that can be uncomfortable and dangerous, especially during the cold weather. Aside from a sleeping bag, make sure to bring an extra blanket, a mattress and a pillow.

Weather-appropriate clothes

As we mentioned already, weather can be unpredictable especially in-between seasons. So if you’re going during spring/fall then it’s important to pack a few different types of clothes. Of course, if you’re going during the summer/winter, then weather-appropriate clothing is a must. However, season transition periods can make the weather pretty much unstable, so having a short-sleeved tee and a rainproof jacket is definitely necessary. The same goes for footwear, so next time you go, feel free to pack sports shoes and rain boots, just to be safe in case of a heavier rain.

A flashlight or a headlamp

A strong and powerful light source is crucial as it keeps you safe during the night. Although you do plan to sleep probably, it’s extremely important to have a flashlight or a headlamp on at all times. For example, there might be some noise that you’d love to investigate, and in that case, a flashlight or a headlamp can be life-saving. Also, if you want to go hiking, then it’s important to be properly equipped for some challenges, mainly if it’s your first time being in the wilderness. Now, if you plan to stay for half a day, then a flashlight isn’t necessary, unless you want to bring it with you just to feel safer.

Wilderness can teach you some valuable lessons, especially if you want to spend a night or even a few days there. But, in order to do that, you should be properly equipped. A knife, a tent, a sleeping bag, canned food and first-aid kit are all crucial as they’ll make sure you have a safe and comfortable experience.

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