While looking for the colocation services, most of the organization are highly concerned about the data security either physical or virtual. For the obvious reasons, the very first thought happens to be about the accreditation that the provider is supposed to have just like the ISO certification. Though ISO is truly an authentic document to rely upon but still it might not tell you the whole story. In that case, you are supposed to check to what extent your data center is serious about the security. The reputable colocation providers believe that every possible weakness pulls out the stops to address those vulnerabilities, when it comes to the security.
This is an era when any weakness in the information security can easily be exploited. For sure, it’s justifiable to put your data in the hands of someone who is not just one but many step ahead of bad guys. Just check out these 3 signs ensuring that your colocation provider is simply the best in term of security;
Security Measures
Any reputable data center worth its salt will offer you with an unbreakable and optimum-level security control just like electronic lock with key fobs. Few providers may be reluctant to oblige customers willing to install their own control, which eventually makes it difficult for the organization to have complete access and control to their equipment. Colocation providers facilitating their valuable clients with at least required level of flexibility as well as power over their security measure are highly preferred by the organizations.
Multi Factor Authentication
Such authentication is really significant in order to ensure security in the data center. The difference between two and tree factor authentication can be noteworthy enough that some clients realize. With two factor, there are just two steps to pass through like the swipe card and PIN code. Frankly, there is a much higher risk of compromise in two factor authentication.
On the other side, it’s not that easy to bypass the three factor authentication until and unless one is the authorized person. Some customers might feel that the three step verification seems quite complicated but it’s more secured method of preventing unauthorized access to their premises. There are three steps to pass through in order to go have this verified with 3 factor; Swipe card, PIN code and the IRIS scanner. One can get the Swipe card and PIN from you but it’s next to impossible to break the three factor authentication without the IRIS scanning.
No Security on Front Desk
Believe it or not, but the security personnel on the front desk is more than vulnerable to attack. Moreover, the security personnel – human for sure – is more likely to compromise the security rather than own safety in case he is forced to choose between one and the other.
In order to ensure the perfect security ideally, the security personnel needs to operate from the highly secured control room. Many reputable data center, the staff are operating behind the firms, strong and double blast proof concrete walls that allow them to make the right decision to deal with the potential danger.
Wrapping up, looking for the reliable, secured and reputable colocation provider is a difficult proposition for most of the organization. There are actually masses of the confidential client data that needs to be protected. For that, there is nothing better than the highly secured colocation environment. In some way or the other, Outages might/would occur but if your colocation provider has the perfect back-up plan then things can easily get stabilized. So just make sure to look for the colocation provider with the strong uptime track record and high level of redundancy as it would turn up highly favorable for your data security.
The reliable data centers would take the legislation very seriously as they would not mind going an extra mile just by including things like confidentiality in the written contact. This would actually prevent them from discussing about your firm from the other clients.
Are you looking for the highly secured data center? Just check out this article and get to know about some signs.