Get rid of the wet carpet of your floor
- As you look forward to soak up the water of your Wet Carpet Cleaning, the first and foremost important thing you need to take a note of is the surface area of your place. It is because; the measures may vary based on your existing surface area. Now, let us take a look at a few remedies which can give you rid of the concerned problem.
- You should Use the kind of vacuums mostly used to soak as more water as you can.
- Try to use various attachments. They could be big and could end up into the smallest of attachments possible to check out which performs the best.
- You then need to push the attachment on the surface of the Wet Carpet so that it can suck water from the carpet cover; it is because this is the place most of the water gets saturated.
- You need to assure that you have a filter that can absorb the water. Even sponge can work fine.
Once you have extracted the major part of the water, as much as you can with the concerned vacuum. You need to arrange a number of dry towels and can put one on the wet surface. Now, you have to Walk on the towels to let the water come out from the carpet and it gathers on the towel. Once the towel is wet, change it and put a dry towel instead. You have to repeat this process till the towel is dry as you keep on walking on it.
Next, you have to use a fan or a drier to blow hot air through the drenched area. Hot air can absorb more water than cold air can. So let the hot air passes through the carpet. It is because; it will take away the rest of water out from the carpet surface.