Best Tools to know for Node.JS Software Development

Best Tools to know for Node.JS Software Development

Node.JS is a powerful and well-known platform to develop server-side web applications. It is based on open source and cross-platform attributes. This technology was launched in 2009 by Ryan Dahl, and since when it was introduced it has grown in popularity. 

To support this technology and to turn it into more reliable and scalable for developers many frameworks were introduced. 

Here, we have put some light on the most prominent Node.JS frameworks that every developer should know about it. 

Whenever front-quit programming is required, the angular vs react debate takes place. The solution relies on a selection of circumstances, and even front-end developers have debated the subject for years.


BestNode.JS Software Development Tools 


Express.JS is known as a NodeJS web application framework. This framework offers an effective set of features with lightweight components. Node.JS helps to develop the server-side of the application and Express framework enabled to publish the application over the website. 

Hence, to bring the high functional mobile application, this framework simplifies the process of multiple routing and helps to interconnect the database. 

  • Designed to develop a single-page, multi-page, and hybrid web application
  • Based on open-source, powerful, and free attributes
  • MIT license 
  • Founded by TJ Holowaychuk helps developers to build real-time apps. This framework is a Javascript library and this library is used by multiple entities including Zendesk, Microsoft, and Trello. framework is classified into two parts – the client-side server and server-side library.  

  • It offers instant analytics of logs, charts, and counters. 
  • framework  is known as the most reliable and fastest real-time engine 


PM2 is considered one of the simplest and popular Node.js tools. It is known as a process manager of Javascript. This framework is blended with rich features -Behaviour configuration, Cluster mode, Container integration, Max memory reload, Log management, Key metrics monitoring, Source map support, PaaS-compatible, Monitoring, Watch & reload, Development workflow, and Startup scripts

  • Written in: JavaScript
  • AGPLv3 License
  • On Github, PM2 framework ranks on 82nd  most popular JavaScript project. 
  • PM2 framework is used by the famous Paypal. 


Electrode.JS framework helps to develop web and native apps. This framework is also proper to develop Node.JS and React.JS.  It combines modern technology into a framework, which helps to improve productivity. For developers, it is easy to deploy the app to the cloud platform. 

With Electrode.JS, components can be reused and it turned as a key feature. It also offers a standardized structure to the programmers which turn the process into simpler and easier process. 

Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is known as a source code editor. It supports various platforms such as Windows, Linux, and macOS. It works efficiently with Node.JS as it doesn’t require any additional features. Offers support for simple code completion, code refactoring, snippets, syntax highlighting, and Github. 

  • Launched by:  Microsoft
  • Written in: TypeScript, JavaScript, Cascading Style Sheets
  •  Source code: MIT License


There are a wide range of tools available to develop Node.js Software. These frameworks have their own features and functionality. Node.js Developers should know how to use them and a specific requirement of the project.

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