Biometric Technology: A Brief History

Biometric Technology: A Brief History

Biometric Authentication

Biometric authentication is a kind of security that depends on an individual’s unique biological features to verify that they are who they claim to be. Its systems match an individual’s physical or behavioral characteristics to validated, authenticated data recorded in a database. Authentication is verified when both biometric data samples match. Moreover, biometric identity verification is often used to control physical and digital resources, such as buildings, rooms, and computer equipment. Thus, biometric identification makes use of biometrics, such as fingerprints or retina scans, to identify individuals. In contrast, biometric authentication makes use of biometrics to verify that individuals are who they claim to be.


While both authentication and verification are used to determine whether or not users are who they claim to be, the terminology is somewhat different. Authentication is the process of matching a user’s current identification to pre-existing biometrics. On the other side, verification is the process of validating a user’s formal identification papers. Typically, the verification process occurs just once; an individual only has to verify their legal identification document before beginning to use a specific service. However, they must still log in each time they want to access it. From the user’s viewpoint, the primary distinction between identification and authentication is the user experience. Verification needs your ID data, whereas authentication requires information about your biometrics.


Additionally, time is a significant element in distinguishing authentication and verification processes. Authentication occurs quickly because the system must compare the new data to what it already has. However, verification may take a few moments longer since it must verify your identity and ensure that it passes all security checks.


Moreover, Electronic Customer Know-How or e-Know-Your-Customer Know Your Customer, or eKYC is a procedure that electronically verifies a customer’s identity and address. Additionally, eKYC refers to the process of extracting digital data from government-issued smart IDs that have a physical presence, as well as the usage of verified digital identities and face recognition for online identity verification. Businesses use both of these services to guarantee their systems’ security and foster confidence on the internet.

To learn more about biometric technology, the following infographic from LOGIN ID provides a brief history:

Biometric Technology a brief history - 6551FEA

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