Cloud Computing Trends that Will Dominate 2021

Cloud Computing Trends that Will Dominate 2021

Cloud computing is going to witness dramatic technological advancements in 2021. So, what are those emerging cloud trends that will dominate the market in 2021? Let’s find out!

Emerging Cloud Computing Trends for 2021

1. Hybrid Cloud Computing

Hybrid cloud computing is a combination of public & private cloud. Enterprises share data & applications through this innovative service which boasts of improved scalability. Other features of hybrid cloud computing include speed, excellent control & robust security. Currently, there are many organizations that are leveraging hybrid cloud computing to proliferate remote work to ensure business continuity. This will likely increase in 2021 as more enterprises go remote.

2. Serverless Computing

Infrastructure management tasks such as provisioning, scheduling, scaling, patching & others are seamlessly taken care of by cloud service providers. This helps engineers & developers to focus their attention on important business requirements.

In simple terms, your office won’t require a separate server room which you need to maintain 24/7. Instead, cloud service providers will provide & maintain these servers. Therefore, Serverless computing will be one of the most prominent cloud trends 2021.

3. Cloud-based FaaS

FaaS or Function as a Service is a part of cloud computing services offered by cloud providers. It enables you to execute code without the requirement of the associated infrastructure. This helps the developer to save time on coding. It basically entails the provision of APIs, gateways, storage & more. That is why FaaS will be one of the emerging cloud trends for 2021

4. Improved Data Security

Cloud service providers have already implemented robust security parameters to safeguard data while it is stored in the cloud. However, data security will improve in 2021 as more & more organizations are going remote. The mechanisms of data access, data store algorithms & other parameters will witness trailblazing innovations in the days to come.

These are some amazing cloud computing trends that will dominate the market in 2021.

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