From personal cloud storage to enterprise data moving to cloud, this technology has come a long way and it has a long way to go. The year 2018, predict most market intelligence agencies, will be of great importance to cloud computing. The exponential growth will be caused by a shift in company ideologies that still question the security of the cloud. The concerns will fade with improved usage of cloud-based services including, mobility, increased efficiency, cost-effectiveness, streamlined collaboration, and speed of connectivity.
The future of cloud will be shaped by various latest technological trends like Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Thing and Block chain apart from other developments. At present cloud computing is a heavily invested area in the tech sector that has been predicted to become the foundation of future technological evolution.
According to a recent study conducted by CISCO Software as a Service (SaaS) will grow at a high rate of 12% with approximately 60% market share of total cloud operations. Platform as a Service (PaaS) will also grow at a rate of 5% whereas Infrastructure as a Service’s (IaaS) will grow as well. The rapid development of cloud computing fortifies people’s belief that cloud based businesses are finding cloud to be an economical and flexible solution for their complex problems.
Here are the 5 trends for the upcoming years:
• Availability of additional applications:
Almost all new software waiting to be launched in the market is being developed in compatibility with cloud-based platform. Thus, it has been predicted that by 2020 a large quarter of software applications will be available on cloud. Moreover, approximately about 58% of business enterprises will spend more than 10& of their annual budgets on cloud services according to Enterprise Cloud Adoption Survey.
• Cloud has an improved growth:
A Gartner research says that cloud technology is accelerating globally today and based on figures of 2017, adoption of cloud hit $250 billion high this year. A prediction from Gartner suggested that the wide-reaching SaaS market will see an astounding yearly growth at the rate of 20.2% in 2018.
• Increased hybrid cloud model adoption:
Hybrid Cloud is a combination of fortes that helps enterprises attain the performance of an on premise solution and management and accessibility of private cloud business models. Gartner has deduced that about 50% of enterprises would have adopted hybrid clouds by 2017.
• Greater than before progress of cloud:
According to another survey by Evans Data Corporation there are more than 18 million software developers worldwide and yet, less than 25% are developing for the cloud. We can expect that as cloud continues to be adopted more and more developers will develop for the cloud—especially when you consider that 85% of new software being built today is for the cloud according to global market intelligence firm IDC.
• More innovation because of cloud:
Increased competition in the cloud technology sector in the coming years will give way to better products, services and innovation.
A generational evolution will take place in the cloud based tech field by 2020. A new generation of CIOs who have grown using all the current cloud-based tools and services making them far more willing to adopt cloud on an enterprise scale, will take charge.