The term digital signature is not a new one for businesses. Many global, multinational, reputed, and established firms have been using this technology for a few years, and they are satisfied with all that they have achieved until today.
Why are businesses accepting digital signature methodology? Well, the main reason is that they can achieve reliability, security, and integrity with this technology.
Digital signature platforms like DocSign Pro
They have achieved it only through reliable and reputable digital signature platforms like DocSign Pro signature app. With these applications, they also need to attain third-party signature authentication certification from any of the reputable Certificate Authority.
In this way, businesses can get the following objectives:
- They can link with all the individuals uniquely who are the stakeholders for the contract, which has been signed digitally.
- In this way, the businesses can also link with all those individuals, who can be customers, vendors, suppliers, or anyone else that has interests, who have sole control.
- The businesses can develop a link to access the electronic document digitally in such a way that all the changes will be intimated to all the stakeholders through notifications. It means that no one can change the document with the consent of all the stakeholders.
PKI for digital signature
To increase the authenticity and credibility of digital signature, a terminology named PKI is used. It means that every stakeholder of the contract has a unique identification on a digital platform.
In this way, the system can recognize him as an authentic signatory. For that, the following three components are required:
- A digital certification is required for all individuals. In these certificates, the identity of all the individuals is safe with the digital signature and expiry date.Every individual needs to renew this certificate at the end of the expiry date. With digital certificates, public keys are issued. Moreover, all the details of the certificate authorities are also included in it.
- Public keys also have a crucial role in it. This key is described in the digital certificate. The reason is that this key helps verify the digital signature of that particular stakeholder.It makes sure that the specific electronic document has not been changed, tempered, or edited during the signing process.
- With the above components, the private key is the most significant one. With this key, every individual sign his document to confirm that he is agreed with all the terms, conditions, and tasks, which have been assigned to him.The certificate authority securely stores it at its end to keep the private key in the custody of the individual. It means that the private key belongs to the individual, who has the sole control over the document.
The private Key is inversely proportional to the public key
It means that both the keys oppositely for the approval process. For example, if the private key is used for encrypted the document, the public key will be used for decryption.
The same will happen if the process is reversed. The digital certificate authority issues both these keys to make sure that none of these keys will be used for manipulating the electronic document, and by following the above-described criteria, the authorities have achieved their target.
Concluding Remarks
It is all that a business can achieve with digital signature solutions like Doc Sign Pro signature app. They can make the whole process foolproof and secure to keep the malicious people and viruses away from the electronically signed documents.
They can also make sure that all the documents are confidential until they want to disclose it. Therefore, the businesses that are using digital signature solutions, are more secure while signing new contracts or joint ventures with other businesses.
It is the objective that these businesses have achieved by using a digital signature.