What Role Air Filters Play in its Performance?
Dehumidifiers are becoming smarter when it is about to rid stuffy mold that causes humidity, helping to cut energy costs as well as being easier on our environment. The newest line of Soleus Air leads one of the best buys that earned energy efficiency stars possess many other features. However, what actually makes dehumidifier eco-friendly?
Nowadays, it is much more than energy star rating. Mostly, it is about energy saving factor which helps to reduce environmental impacts. If you are looking a whole house dehumidifier and you have environment and energy in your mind, these bells and whistles will guide you a way to narrow down your options.
Adjustable Humidistat
A unit with adjustable humidistats allows you to set the desired level of humidity. They give you extra control over humidity and automate the dehumidifying process so that you can have the best savings. Inbuilt humidistats also mean that as soon as ideal humidity level is achieved, compressor and fan start running intermittently in order to maintain humidity level, reducing overall energy consumption.
Programmable Timer
Let us face it! Do you have time to babysit? Programmable timers can enhance saving on energy by enabling users to program precisely when you need it to run and break. It means better control over energy consumption as well as less impact on power bills.
Eco-Friendly Refrigerant
This is the new standard in appliances that are refrigerant-based. Dehumidifiers are also refrigerant based in function. Most if not all residential dehumidifiers use R-410A type refrigerant that does not participate in ozone depletion. This type also makes dehumidifier quieter, more reliable as well as less susceptible to wear and tear.
Energy Star Seal
What is really behind that beautiful blue seal? Whenever you observe Energy Star listed one of the features, it means that this humidifier will consume 15 percent lesser energy while dehumidifying your homes as compared to their non-energy star counterparts. This thing is possible as Energy Star units are made with refrigerator coils, fans, and compressors that are much more efficient to let you save up to 220 dollars over full lifespan of your units.
Air Filters
Air filters are also useful to remove symptoms of allergies. However initially, their objective is to protect internal components of dehumidifiers. Because dehumidifiers draw humid air, the also pull damaging particles and dust which can make fan and compressor work much harder. Air filters block all these elements before entering, making sure that dehumidifiers maintain higher efficiencies and lower carbon footprint.
Will Cheap Air Filters In Dehumidifiers Makes any Difference in The Air Quality?
Our homes are our castle, however, how good is air quality in our home? Most homeowners who are concerned about the effects of airborne containments or pollution need to take few steps to purify air which comes in. Mainly when someone elderly or someone with the chronic ailment like emphysema or asthma is in your home.
As you do not need to put a price tag on the health of your family, it does make sense to check how much to spend on disposable air filters each month. Here are some insights into whether cheap filters are good or bad.
Better quality of air is must to keep pollen, dust, pollution, mold and other contaminants from making people wheeze, sneeze or succumb to asthma attacks at your home. Beside external pollution, there are some contaminants which come internally from the house, and they also need to be filtered out. Animal dander, smoke, and dust are prominent examples of internal pollution which you need to filter from the air.
Generic air filters are least efficient; they filter at the rate of only 20 to 50 percent. Families with significant health problems will need to opt a HEPA or Higher Efficiency Particulate filters that can capture even smallest particles, up to 0.3 micrometers in diameter. Also, expect that cheap air filters can never deliver full capacity for cleaning. If it seems to be inexpensive to be handy, trust on the reviews of high priced brands.
You cannot necessarily judge air filter by packaging alone. Go through specifications of the manufacturer to get a general sense of what is available. Ask your relatives, friends, and colleagues who have used humidifiers or dehumidifiers with a filter.
The best way is to check online reviews of favorite channels. Include not for profit testing services who publish reviews with no advertising support. By this, you would not be confined to opt brands which just have been commented in forums.
If you aren’t using the dehumidifier with the filter set up, then you don’t need to worry about these things. However, if you have a system that needs regular maintenance, cleaning or changing of filter always go for the one that is of good quality, and remember good quality comes at a price. For more information on humidifiers/dehumidifiers and filter check online expert reviews on the World Wide Web.