People who own WordPress websites can easily add different functionalities into the posts, widgets and pages by using shortcodes. Basically, there are so many pages and themes that allow users to add shortcodes and WordPress plugins.
By installing it you can get the option to add elements like pricing grid, customized tabs, event calendar, etc into your WordPress site. Here we are discussing about expert tips to use shortcodes in the WordPress website.
Know When Not to Use Shortcodes
Obviously everyone like to customize their websites and need to have special tabs, functionalities and pricing grids. It requires you to add shortcodes and cheap WordPress hosting Pakistan for your site, but keep in mind that you must know exactly when you have to add the shortcodes sin the site and when it’s not required.
Otherwise, it will look too messy and make your site look over crowded. Most people love to add short codes on their website, but for this they have to narrow down their theme options. That’s why it’s better to know when you don’t have to use the short codes.
Future Proof Your Shortcodes
Shortcodes are great option to add in your website, but for this you have to stick with the themes that support shortcodes. It’s really hard to always get the theme that supports the short codes. So yes, if you want to future proof your short code, then its better add site-specific plugin. For this simply copy and paste available shortcode snippet that’s present at the theme’s functions in the form of the PHP file, and then simply paste it within your site-specific plugin.
How to Search for Shortcode in Theme:
Finding the short code in the WordPress theme is not an easy task. Before you start your search, it is very important to know how the shortcode function looks like and where you will find this place. So yes start checking it in the theme’s folder that’s present in the /wp-content/themes folder/file name will be your-theme-name/. From here you have to look into the functions. There you will find the PHP file with the term add shortcode.
Using Shortcodes in Widgets
People think they can only use shortcodes only for posts and pages, but it’s not true. Infect you are allowed to use it inside text widgets of your WordPress site. All you have to do is to drag and drop the text widget add it into the sidebar nowhere you can add shortcode. Keep in mind that you won’t find this feature by default in your WordPress site.
Add Shortcode in Theme Files
People who want to find the output of shortcode that’s present in a non-widget area of the theme, then yes you have to use shortcodes. There are times when it’s very important to add the shortcode in the theme files otherwise you will get unsuccessful in getting the required functionality. To avoid this situation opt to add shortcode in your theme files.