It’s quite a time-intensive task to select the best hosting company that can stand on your every expectation fulfilling your demand and being highly affordable as well. You tend to spend hours searching to get some better leads and become able to get in touch with a reliable company. So, to ease your struggle here is a short guide, mentioned below that will help you in selecting the web hosting companies that not only provide fastest page loading speed but also assure you about the top-notch level of website security.
Hostbreak is a leading web hosting firm that has been operational since 2001. This is the oldest and most competitive brand of the web hosting industry. The company provides a vast variety of services that are highly encrypted to ensure security concerns. From delivering SSL certificate to protecting the information in well-guarded servers present on different clouds, the information is easily fetched and recovered as well. The company follows data protection rules according to which they create duplicate copies of the information which you can access in the times of data damage or lose.
At $2.75 you get to enjoy a bundle of hosting service packages. The company provide the most affordable web hosting plans from shared to dedicated to VPS servers. Each of its services is well protected from cyber threats and scams. You do not have to worry about losing your data or damaging your business performance when Bluehost is here. The host is highly experienced and well trained they look into the problem beforehand and fix it before it can create havoc. The company assures about server security and provide encrypted clouds to store and backup data.
Hostgator is one of the competitors in the web hosting industry. The company is renowned for delivering a maximum level of security to its customers. It facilitates businesses with fast loading time and unlimited backup facilities. Each of the clouds is encrypted to safeguard customer credentials and business information. Making sure that each website is entertained with feature-rich servers, the hosts carry out timely monitoring and management activities. At a minimal cost, you get to enjoy a bundle of service features.
With the one-click installation facility, Hostinger provides a huge range of web hosting services to customers. The company has gained a reputable place in the market by delivering top-notch hosting services to its valued customers. Providing SSL certificates and ensuring the security of the servers, are the prominent tarots of their plans. From providing access to free site builders to dipping hands in every hosting category from shared to dedicated to reseller hosting plans, the company has a major reach in the industry.
Situated in Bulgaria, Siteground is a premier web hosting company that is known to have been delivering affordable services. From providing unlimited bandwidth to cPanel facilities, the company paves its way to the top by ensuring service quality at all levels. It takes major steps to provide the highest level of data and website security